Page 60 of Anton

I look back over my shoulder at him. “I’ll scream the street down if you touch me.”

“It won’t make a difference. No one will help you, and screamers go in the boot.” I hear his footsteps coming up behind me, and I’m about to break out into a run when a police car turns down the street towards us. I step out in the road, waving my arms, and he slams on his brakes. “Piper,” says Anton in a warning tone.

The officer gets out the driver’s side, and a female officer steps from the passenger side. “Please, can you help me?” I pant. “I want to get away from him and he won’t let me. He threatened to put me in the boot of his car.”

The male officer nods in greeting at Anton, but the female steps around the car and comes to me. “Let’s get you in the car and you can tell us what happened,” she says kindly.

“Actually, Kay, I think we can leave Mr. Martinez to deal with this,” her partner says.

She stares at him in confusion. “No. This lady is clearly distressed. I won’t leave her here.”

“Piper, think very carefully before you get in that car,” Anton warns.

“Sir, please don’t make threats. I’ll arrest you if you continue,” warns the female officer.

The male officer gives a nervous laugh. “We won’t be arresting you, Mr. Martinez. I’m so sorry about this. She's new.”

“It’s fine,” Anton sighs. “Take my wife. Let her cool off. She can’t go anywhere with no money or any of her things. I’ll collect her from the station in the morning,” he says, keeping his eyes on me.

Once we’re in the car, the female officer turns to me. “Are you okay?” she asks.

I nod. “My husband knows officers at the top, powerful people. Please don’t take me to the station. If you could drop me off near the train station, that would help me so much.”

“Of course,” she nods, “wherever you want to go. We have a fund for victims of domestic abuse. I can access that in a few hours. I’ll need some details, and you’ll need to make a formal complaint against your husband, but I’ll be with you every step of the way.”

I spot the male officer heading back to the car. “I don’t have time for that. Your colleague will take me to the station and Anton will come for me.”

I watch Anton’s car pass us as he drives away. He stares at me and I shiver at the coldness in his eyes. The officer gets into the car. “Can I speak with you alone, please?” I say to the female officer. “Outside?” I need her to open this door for me because it automatically locks. She gets back out and opens the door. “Thanks,” I say. “I can take it from here.”

“Are you sure?” she asks. I nod and go back towards the bar. Hulk is my only hope right now.

“Not you again,” he growls, pushing the female from his lap.

“I need your help,” I say. “I need money.”

He laughs, throwing his head back. “Like I’m going to help you after what you did.”

“You stole money from the mob. I need it.” He laughs harder. “Get out of here, Piper.”

“I need it to get me away from Anton. I know you’ll jump at the chance to get back at him.” It’s enough to get Hulk’s attention. “But right now, you need to get me out of here because Anton will be back any minute.” The officer would have updated Anton on my situation, and I have no doubt he’ll turn his car back around. “Is there a back door to get out of here?”


“What do you mean, she got out of the car? And went where exactly?” I bark into my mobile phone.

“Back into the bar,” explains the officer.

“Then get back in there and hold her ‘til I come back,” I yell, hitting my hand on the steering wheel.What the hell is she up to?

I reach the bar in five minutes, and the officer is standing outside looking pissed. “Sorry, she’s gone.”

I hold in the rage that burns through me. “Any ideas?” I ask through gritted teeth. He shakes his head, and I burst through the doors of the bar. I glare at the owner. “You have seconds to tell me where the fuck that biker piece of shit took my wife before I burn this place to the ground.”

He holds his hands up in the air. “I don’t know, I swear. I turned to serve a customer and they were both gone. They didn’t leave out the front. The back leads onto an alley, which eventually leads to the main road.”

“You hear anything, you call me.” I stomp from the bar and head back to the car, then I call Michael. “She’s gone. Hulk is with her.”

“Shit,” he mutters. “So, what now?”