Page 50 of Anton

My heart beats excitedly for Mae. This is what she wanted, and I can’t hide my smile as she stares at him in disbelief. There’re a few cheers among The Rebellion. “Mae wasn’t on my radar. We’ve always been friends, and she’s the one I’d go to if I couldn’t handle shit, so I don’t know why it took me so long to see it. She’s everything our kind of men need in an old lady. So,” he smiles down at Mae lovingly, and my heart warms, “meet my old lady.” He takes her hand and holds it up for everyone to see. The room erupts with joy, and they’re embraced in hugs of congratulations.

I watch from a distance. I can’t get to them just yet, so I’ll wait my turn. “Aww, young love.” I stiffen at the sound of Anton’s voice close to my ear. “Is that how you wanted it, Piper? A big announcement and a biker party?” My gut instinct is to answer no. When I really think about it, I don’t want all this fuss, but I’m not confessing that to Anton.

“Did you have a nice break?” I ask casually.

“Did you miss me?”

“No. I didn’t even think about you.” That’s a lie. I spent almost every hour of every day either thinking about him or talking about him with my girls.

“Jesus, what the hell is she doing here?” he mutters, looking annoyed. I spot Ella talking to Hulk. She’s sobbing, and Anton rushes to her, practically pushing Hulk out the way. He wraps her in his arms and leads her outside.

After a few minutes, curiosity gets the better of me, so I head out too. After all, she’s my friend now. Anton is quietly talking to Ella, wiping her tears with his thumbs. “Is everything okay?” I ask.

He doesn’t bother to look at me before muttering, “Fine. Go back inside.” He almost sounds irritated by my presence, and I won’t stay where I’m clearly not wanted.

I turn and run straight into Hulk’s arms. He catches me, keeping his arms around me.

“Where’s the fire?” he jokes, stroking his hands up and down my arms.

“Piper, come here,” Anton demands firmly, and I roll my eyes.

“Since when did you become a lap dog for the Mafia?” Hulk whispers, smiling down at me. He’s right. I’ve never been one to do as I’m told, so I step around Hulk and go back inside.

I’m in bed at the clubhouse, staring up at the ceiling, when my mobile flashes with a message.

Ella: Come now. He needs you.

I contemplate ignoring the message. Anton doesn’t need me. He doesn’t need anyone. Before I can decide what to do, she sends another.

Ella: Please, Piper. I know you’re mad with him but come for me.

I groan, throwing the sheets back and getting out of bed. He doesn’t deserve my help, but he’s gonna get it anyway . . . for Ella.

Fifteen minutes later, I pass the driver a twenty and climb out the taxi.

I punch the security code into the keypad and wait patiently as the gate slides open. As I approach the house, I notice all the lights are on and it unsettles me. Something bad has happened. I get to the door and hesitate. Do I need to knock now I’m his wife? I reach for the handle, surmising it’ll probably be locked and surprised when it opens.

I pause, taking in the scene before me. The beautiful artwork that adorned the walls is carelessly thrown across the floor, torn and broken. The large vases that used to stand proudly by the stairs are smashed to pieces, now lying amongst other debris. Ella is sitting on the bottom step, tear stains marking her cheeks, but when she sees me, she stands, wiping her face. “You came,” she whispers.

I nod, closing the door and stepping inside. “What happened?”

A loud crash comes from Anton’s office, and she winces. “He’s upset,” she whispers. “I wasn’t sure who to call.”

“Why is he upset, Ella?” I ask.

She begins to cry again, her shoulders shaking. “She’s dead. Mother’s dead.”

My eyes widen. I wasn’t expecting those words to fall from her mouth. “How?” The last I heard, she was in a secure unit receiving the help she needed.

She cries harder, and I rub her back, gently shushing her. “She did it herself. Saved her medication every day until she had enough to end it.”

“I’m so sorry,” I whisper.

“He won’t listen to any of us,” she continues, nodding towards the office. “Michael suggested I call you.”

I’m pretty sure I’m the last person Anton needs to see, but I head for the office anyway. The broken glass crunches under my feet, which alerts Tag and Michael. They both turn to me, and relief washes over Tag’s face.

Anton is in the middle of the room with his back to us. My heart breaks for him. I’ve never seen such raw emotion from a man. “Anton, Piper is here,” says Michael firmly.