Page 53 of Anton

“Shopping?” I repeat.

“She hates the things in the wardrobe. They’re not her style.”

I sit down. “She never said.”

“She’s too polite. Take her shopping, so she can choose her own things to wear.”

An hour later, Piper knocks on my office door. I’m relieved she didn’t enter two minutes earlier when I was cancelling her doctor’s appointment to get her shot. “Feel like shopping?” I ask, and she shrugs. “Ella said you don’t like the clothes I got you.”

“I didn’t know if they were just mine or clothes you kept for passing women,” she says with a small smile.

I laugh. “We’ll get you some clothes on the way to the clubhouse.”

“The clubhouse?” she asks, looking hopeful.

“To get your things,” I say, picking up my mobile phone and wallet.

“Why?” she asks.

“We can’t be married and live separately,” I tell her, grabbing my jacket.

“Anton,” she begins, but I shake my head.

“Not again, Piper. Let’s not ruin the day with your protests.”

“I just think it’s a bit soon,” she continues as I pass her. “Maybe we can take it slower.”

“Slower than marriage?” I ask, laughing. “Shoes,” I tell her, waiting by the door.

She slips her feet into trainers. “You’re being too pushy.”

“I know what you’re trying to do,” I say, opening the door and ushering her out. “You’re putting off telling your parents.”

“They’ll be so upset,” she admits.

Michael opens the car door, and I wait for Piper to slide in before following her. “They have to be told eventually.”

“But we’ve been dating for such a short time. Can’t we wait a while longer?”


“And then there’s Hulk,” she says, wincing when I glare in her direction. “He’ll lose his mind.”

“Do you think I care what that piece of shit thinks?” I snap.

She folds her arms over her chest and stares out the window. “I don’t want you to fight.”

“This ends today with him knowing everything and you walking away with me. If that means I go to war with the club, then so be it.”

“You don’t mean that,” she hisses. “I’m not worth it.”

I grin, taking a handful of her hair and tugging her head back until we’re eye to eye. “You think my troubles with Hulk are solely over you?” I scoff. “I’m a businessman, a good one, and I have my own score to settle with Hulk. It has nothing to do with you.”

Michael parks in a no park zone on a road where there are several nice stores that cater to the kind of clothes I want Piper to choose. He waits by the car as we’re flanked by three bodyguards. “Is this really necessary?” asks Piper, glancing at the huge men. I ignore her and open the door to the first shop.

We’re met by the owner, who is the sister of one of my associates. “Mr. Martinez,” she greets, smiling but looking genuinely terrified that I’m standing in her shop.

“Go find clothes,” I say to Piper, and then I pull out my mobile and check my emails. Piper doesn’t move. Instead, I feel her eyes burning into me. “What?” I ask.