Page 5 of Anton

Tag shakes his head. “I thought I was fucked-up.”

Chapter Two


“Where the fuck did you go last night, Piper?” Hulk is pacing the room as anger pulsates from him. My mum glares at me, silently urging me to answer. “You’re a fucking selfish bitch,” he adds, his voice getting louder.

“I needed to get out of here,” I explain. “It’s intense right now, in case you haven’t noticed.”

He scoffs, stopping to glare down at me. “Oh, I fucking noticed, Piper. We all have. My dad is missing—the President of this club. Don’t you think I want to slip out of here and get wasted? And what about Bernie? Don’t you think she’s missing Mae? We’re all feeling it, Piper, but we’re not all running out and drinking and partying, because the brothers are under enough pressure right now without searching the town for your selfish arse.”

“Christ, what’s the big deal? No one even noticed anyway.”

“Shit, now you’re pissed we were too busy to notice?” he asks in disbelief. “Ain’t it time you acted your age? I mean, you’re a little old for attention seeking.”

“You’ve made your point, Hulk,” I snap.

He leans closer until his face is inches from my own. “Do not leave this club without my say so. Are we clear?” I nod. “I said, are we clear?” he yells.

“Yes!” I shout back. “Loud and fucking clear. Message received.”

Hulk storms from the room, and Mum lets out a breath and sighs. “What the hell were you thinking, Pip?”

“Clearly, I wasn’t,” I snap. “Stupid Piper, always running off and getting herself into trouble.” Mum reaches for my hand, but I pull it away. “I’m so tired of all this.”

“He’s trying to protect us,” she says carefully. “If anything were to happen to you, Hulk would never forgive himself.”

“You’re kidding yourself if you think he’s doing this for me. Hulk hates me, and we all know it, so stop pretending he’s suddenly my knight in shining armour.”

“That’s enough.” My dad rises from the corner of the room. He reminds me of a Viking with his fiery hair and bushy ginger beard.

“Bear, leave it. She’s just upset,” Mum mutters.

“No, Queenie, I won’t leave it. Piper, you’re behaving like a spoiled brat. Sort your shit out or I’m sending you away to Aunt Callie in Scotland.”

My eyes go wide at his threat. It’s been a good few years since he last used that line on me. “Pops, I’m twenty-five. You can’t send me away.”

“I’ll send you where the fuck I like if it keeps you safe. I can’t have you upsetting the VP when he’s already under enough pressure.”

“Christ. What is this? Saint fucking Hulk Day? Did I miss the memo?”

“Hulk’s doing a damn good job of keeping this club going while his dad, our President, is fuck knows where. The least you owe him is some damn respect.” He storms out too, and I groan.

Mum presses her lips together. “Two men in less than five minutes. You’ll be nicknamed Medusa if you continue slaying the guys like that.” She smirks, and I roll my eyes.

“I just needed a break from it all, ya know?” A tear rolls down my cheek and I swipe it away angrily. “I just keep thinking about Mae and if she’s scared or . . .” A sob escapes. “Or what if she’s already . . .” I cry into my hands.

Mum gently rubs circles on my back. “We have to stay strong and remain positive. She’s got Ace with her, and he’ll do whatever it takes to protect her, you know that.”

I take a calming breath. “I need to go out tonight. Hulk’s going to lose his mind.”


“I owe Anton a favour. He’s calling it in.”

Mum holds me at arm’s length and frowns. “I thought there was nothing between you guys?” There’s been a few times where Anton’s acted like we were a thing, mainly to piss off Hulk since they hate one another. But then Anton helped me out one time, and Mum made me swear there was nothing between us.

“I owe him, Mum. You know he’s helped me out, and when he calls it in, I have no choice. He’s sending a car to collect me at noon.”