Page 86 of Hog Tied

“Okay, then, as soon as they move, we’ll renegotiate the contract and get more settled. You’ll have tough times of the day when you can work.”

“The wedding…people call at weird times!”

“Fine, for the wedding alone, you may take the calls. Otherwise, you will ask permission for all other calls and nothing about the pigs during off hours. If something comes up with the pigs, I’ll handle it. You need to be off work sometimes.”

“I’m always on because I work for you.”

He was grinning, having thought he got me with that. “Smart ass. For me, you’re always on duty.”

Ryan was calling me, and I took the call. “Yeah, Ryan.”

“There’s a delivery guy here. Want me to sign for it?”

The delivery I’d been waiting for. “Yes, yes. There will be another in a few days; sign for it if I’m busy too, if you will.”

“No problem.”

I ended the call and grabbed Theo’s hair. “I have the perfect thing to get you settled tonight.”

“What? What did you do?”

“You’ll see. Now, get dressed and go check on the pigs. Take Brett with you. Behave or…man, are you going to get it.”

He was visibly nervous, but I left the room before he could start to complain about it. A big crate was waiting downstairs, and Brett and Ryan were looking around the thing.

“Slutae? Really?” Brett asked me, laughing. “They’ve grown, huh?”

“They are the best! Why not?”

“Please, tell me you got him panties like Memphis made Xen wear,” he started, then said, “Oh, never mind. He’d like them. He likes silk.”

“Unfortunately, that would be a gift and not a punishment. No, I got Theo the camo underwear. He thinks he’s starting to fit in here, but if I keep making him wear what everyone else does, he will lose it, and I have the perfect punishment when he does.”

“Setting him up to fail?” Ryan asked me, grinning. “You want to fuck with him.”

“Hey, if you’d have seen him when I first got here…you’d understand. I don’t want to set him up to fail, but he’s confident I’m an easy-going Master. I spank him every morning with the brush, but he’s getting used to that. So far, that’s all my fun, and my sadistic side is starting to starve for more.”

Brett clapped silently, then cleared his throat as his eyes moved up the stairs.

I turned to see Theo creeping down quietly until he saw me looking. “What is that?”

“None of your business, pig. You’ll see soon enough. Go get your chores done now!”

He scurried out the door, and Brett followed him, giving us a wave before closing the front door. The burst of frigid air coming through had a hint of moisture, and I felt it right off, going to the window to see the first flakes falling. “I think this might be the one Noah’s been warning about.”

“I said I felt it coming. Look at those clouds,” Ryan said as he stood beside me, and he was right.

The clouds were as dark and foreboding as I’d seen yet. They moved like two bodies under a blanket during heated sex, all but those settling solemnly over the mountain peaks across from the house.

They reminded me of Theo, those clouds, how they turned, raged, and were ready to tear the world a new one. His storms had eased some, but I saw them there, and they were every bit as furious as he’d ever had. A few weeks of being in love couldn’t calm all the hurt he’d gone through.

“We might be unable to leave the house for a few days unless we want to dig out to get there, anywhere.”

I agreed. “As much as I wanted to set this up while he was gone, let’s help Theo and Brett. The pigs need in the shelter, and we’ll have to make sure all the heaters are working, or we’ll have a lot of frozen pork.”

Ryan and I dressed warmly and found the two coming back to the house before we’d got halfway there. I was furious. “Theo, what the fuck? Can’t you see we’re about to get hammered with a storm?”

Theo’s jaw dropped, then he pushed past me in a snit, and I was ready to go after him. Brett thankfully stopped me. “Maybe, Sirs, you should look before jumping on us?”