“Take a week. We can clean the pens and feed the pigs until you return. You all have gone above and beyond.”
“Thanks a bunch!” When he left, Ryan was laughing.
“He’s a pip.”
“He is. Tucker, on the other hand, hardly ever speaks.” I turned to face him and asked, “Want to go…try out your new IDs?”
“Yeah. Ryan, you’ve got to, eventually. You’re not gonna send Brett to do all the shopping and errands, are you?”
“No. Damn……this will be the first time in…literally years.”
I put my hand on his meaty shoulder and said, “So, it’s about time, right? If you get nervous, thinking anyone’s recognized you, you can leave, and we’ll pay and head back. Deal?”
“Deal. Thanks, Hud. It’s just…hard for me.”
“I understand. Go tell Brett to get ready.”
The diner was filled with townies; few batted an eye toward us. Ryan finally relaxed after we ordered, and once our drinks came, he was smiling. “Feel good to be in public again?”
“I never thought it would. Yeah, feels good.”
Brett was grinning too. “I missed…simple, stupid things like this. The dungeon was great, don’t get me wrong, it wasn’t terrible at all, especially because we could be together, but this….”
Theo could be counted on, though. “This place is…greasy.”
“Maybe that’s why they call it a greasy spoon,” I whispered to him. “Keep your voice down so you don’t offend people. If the cook finds out, he could spit in your food.”
“Ew! That’s disgusting.”
“Then shush!”
Theo glared over to the kitchen. “Rude.”
I was surprisedwhen[t4]Eli and Noah entered the diner as we were almost finished. I rose to shake their hands, and Theo kissed Eli’s cheek before shaking with Noah. “These are our friends,” I said, remembering to call them by their new names. “Patrick and Drew,” I said, barely remembering their new names.
Ryan and Brett shook their hands, and we invited them to join us, which they took us up on. Eli said, “Burke finally settled on the weekend. They’ve spent time with it, getting the place together with all those new animals. Did you know they got the llama?”
“No,” I said, laughing.
Theo scrunched his nose and commented, “More animals.”
“We have a pig farm, Theo,” I reminded him.
“Not by choice, although we’ve made a nice income from them so far.”
“That smoked ham, we’ve already tried it. Top-notch, just like Flynn’s,” Noah complimented, and Theo blushed a little.
“Thanks, Noah. I’m glad you like it.”
Noah gave him a wink, and I saw Theo sitting straighter. “I smelled it, and it did smell wonderful,” Brett said. “But…this club…we’re very interested.”
Noah asked me, “Why didn’t ya get them set up with a membership?”
“I did, I swear!”