Theo did an excellent job of washing me, especially my dick, lathering both hands before sliding them over it slowly, staring into my eyes while he did. I washed him after, taking as much time on his sweet little ass.
He dried me while dripping on the mat, smiling at me as he did so, and then dried himself. The only problem was what he was going to wear.
After we were dry, I went to the closet, which he said was too tiny for him, and opened the door to see it was too small. “We need to get rid of some of this shit.”
“Excuse me? That offends me.”
My head snapped to Theo, eyes glaring at him, and he dropped him, mumbling, “Sorry, Sir.”
“Backtalk. That’s one.”
I liked the degrees of offenses; it made it so I had plenty of wiggle room as to what potential punishments would be. I had planned to expand Theo's closet into the spare room once Brett and Ryan were no longer using it. I didn’t tell him that, though, knowing he’d get his first hit.
I found the harness he’d bought from Slutae and the matching shorts, which seemed too formal for a day at home. “Where are those little denim shorts you wore that day to tease me?”
“Sir? I…”
“Don’t fucking lie, Theo, or that will be two, three, and four.”
“Okay, fine,” he huffed and got into the closet, finding the shorts quickly. “Here. Sir! I meant, here, Sir.”
“Good. Now, get me some scissors.”
“For what?”
Glaring harder, I waited until he huffed off and went naked to get them downstairs.
I found one of his tight silk tanks to go with it and waited on the bed for him to return with the scissors. He handed them to me in a snit, so I snapped my fingers and pointed to the floor. “Kneel, now.”
He got down to his knees clumsily. “Theo, try that again. Be proud of everything you do and do them well so you can be proud.”
“Okay. Okay, sorry, Master.”
Standing tall, Theo looked me in the eye before he let his body begin to lower, knees bending gently, then more, the rest of him straight-backed, head high, and I saw his pride. He got his hands behind his back and sucked in his tiny gut, showing me that six-pack I saw that night when his robe fell open…
“You’re beautiful, Theo. God, you’re so fucking beautiful.”
His eyes shined with praise. “Thank you, Master.”
I got his shorts in my hand and started to cut a hole in the back, right where his hole would be.
His face reddened as his eyes got huge, and his body, already flexed, turned even more tense. “What?”
“This cost more than I would have made in a year?”
Remembering the accusation he’d thrown at me during one of the hundreds of screaming matches, Theo said, “I’m sorry about that.”
“I know. I forgive you.”
“Just like that?” Theo’s eyes were narrowed skeptically, a smile forming on his lips as his head fell to the side.
“Yeah. I told you; I know why you were striking out at people. You wanted to hurt them before they hurt you.”
Moving in, he asked, “May I show my undying gratitude, Master?”
“You sure as fuck may.”