“No, you’re training the both of us. I give you all authority over us until that training is complete.” That reminded me of something I hadn’t placed on the list. “Theo, about fucking others, I want it to be at my discretion, but I want your input.”
“Your discretion, as in you pick who and where and if I get to join in?”
“Yeah,” I said without hesitation. “I told you to write your limits. If you want it off there, then add that to your list. I’m not going to do anything that could hurt us, Theo. Ever.”
Theo nodded sadly. “I don’t…know yet. When I think of Ryan and Brett, then…it’s one thing, but others? If you just…went off with them and did things, then that makes my chest feel like…like I can’t breathe.”
I pulled him over to my lap, holding him there. “Baby, I don’t want that. I don’t want to go off with men and leave you. God, no!”
“Really? What if…I’m terrible, and you’re sick of me. What if one of my punishments is no sex for a month? You’d go without too!”
“I have a right hand. I could also use your mouth, hand, and body and not give you any pleasure.”
He deflated. “Damn.”
Brett laughed, and Ryan let him. “Theo, that was slick.”
“Theo, were you just trying to guilt me so I wouldn’t use that for punishment? Denial of sex?”
“Not completely! It would hurt my feelings if you went off with other guys, but…maybe some of it was that.”
I stared hard at him.
“Okay, fifty/fifty. Can’t blame a guy for trying!”
Chapter Fifteen
After completing the contract, Theo and I read it, and both signed without hesitation. I held him as Brett and Ryan left to head to bed, and then I took him in front of the fireplace.
He sat between my legs, leaning back on me, and I simply held him. The day's emotions had drained us, but I wasn’t nearly ready for sleep.
“Please, tell me you were fine with signing that,” Theo whispered.
“Stop worrying whether I’m okay with this. I own you now; what’s not to like?”
He chuckled. “I guess you do. We’ve only fucked once, and I already know I want to be owned by you. That’s…something.”
“Says a lot about my dick,” I teased.
“Not just that, and you know it, monster.” He held his breath before asking, “Sorry, can I still…I don’t know, say things like that?”
“Yes. It’s okay. I don’t want us to be so overly formal that we don’t have laughter and fun. Theo, we’re just starting this relationship. I had no idea we’d be starting a lifestyle like this simultaneously. There are gonna be bumps and hurt feelings and fights, but know that is okay.”
“The word Ryan wrote in, was it yours?”
We decided to use the go-word, zombie, to go with his Walking Dead theme. “Yes. I say it when we’re in the role, and we can relax and be our other selves. I repeat it, and we’re back in roles.”
“I like that. Can I ever say it?”
“No. You safeword if you need to be let off your role. Then, we’ll sit and talk.”
“Like this?”
Settling back on me a little more, Theo showed me he was comfortable there, just being with me. “Exactly like this. We need a lot of this, Theo.”
“Yes, I agree. Are we…normal right now?”
“Yes, baby. Not slave and Master right now. I want to just…be Hud and Theo for a while longer. I hope that’s okay.”