Page 61 of Hog Tied

He seemed so small, so vulnerable. It almost broke me, but it couldn’t. I had to be strong for him. “Theo, this journey we’re about to take into all this, it’s nothing we can take lightly, and I don’t. I’ll expect a lot from you; you can count on me. I know in your past that people have disappointed you. I won’t be like them, but there will be times when I’m not everything you want. I’m human.”

“Okay. So, give me the same credit. I’m human too, and I know I frustrate you.”

“You do,” I said with a little laugh. I saw my slave was floundering like I’d been. “Part of what makes me love you is that frustration, Theo. I don’t want some pitiful man that is so easy; there’s no challenge. I love a challenge, a goal. My current goal is to live a life with you so that we get all our dreams to come true.”

“That’s why…this.”

“Yes. This is your dream; I’ve played with the lifestyle for years. It’s how I met Burke in the first place. I got the job that brought me to you, and in that, I’ve come in a circle.”

“Don’t hurt me. I mean…you know what I mean.”

“I know. I’m asking the same of you, Theo. You could hurt me too, you know.”

For a second, he searched my face with those haunting eyes. I know Theo needed to be sure, which would take time. I held him until he was ready, and he moved in to touch his lips to mine. “Thank you, Hud.”

“You’re welcome.”

He got back over my lap, and I started in rather gently, but after a few swats, my hand came down heavier, and he started wailing like I was killing him. He screamed that I was killing him, bringing Brett and Ryan back into the room.

“He’s killing me! He’s trying to break my bones! Help!”

I chuckled as I reminded him twice, between swats, “You have a safeword.”

Ryan and Brett watched him struggling, but my hand just got heavier, and once I was finished, I brought him to me, seeing that all his makeup was in ribbons down his cheeks. “You’re a brute! A monster! I knew it!”

“That isn’t shit,” Ryan said to him, taking the chair. “He told me he had a bullwhip he wanted to use on you.”

I watched Brett serenely kneel by Ryan’s chair, and I envied them. They were already into it and knew their places, but then I remembered they were starting from scratch, being out of the dungeon.

“A bullwhip? Are you insane?”

I brought him in for a kiss. “I’ll go get you an icepack.”

“A whip! I should have known you’d be a monster that would like a whip!”

Openly sobbing between screams, Theo made quite the production of the intimate spanking. It was his way, and I loved him for it.

I placed him back over my knee and applied the ice to his ass, rubbing a hand over his back that soothed him some. “The whip won’t come for a while, Theo.”

“Whip,” he mumbled indignantly. “I should have known.”

We spent the next few hours after Theo had dressed again, with Brett showing Theo how to serve me. Brett helped make us dinner, and Theo served, with Brett hanging over his shoulder to show him how to do it properly, and once Ryan and I had our food, Theo knelt beside the chair in the kitchen, complaining, “This floor is tough.”

“Hush, slave,” Ryan barked. “I’m trying to enjoy my meal.”

While Ryan fed bites to Brett, Theo pulled away while I tried to do the same.

“What the fuck, Theo?”

“I don’t want to be fed!”

Ryan winked at me. “Fine. Make yourself a plate.”

Theo got up to throw a smug look in my direction and made himself a plate of the sausage, and peppers Brett had prepared. Ryan clucked his tongue as he took it to the table, ready to sit in a chair next to me. “No, Theo. On the floor.”

“The floor?”

“Yes. All fours, on the floor, now!”