Page 4 of Hog Tied

“Got one. Me and the little shit.”

Burke laughed, but I was serious. “You’re going to get that spoiled brat to clean?”


I had every confidence, and when Burke thought about it, he understood. “You are interested in him? Beast told me you were, but I didn’t see it.”

“Interested may not be the right word, but he does intrigue me. He’s fucking beautiful. I see a broken doll that needs to be put back together, but better. And if not, maybe I’ll make a dent in him for the next guy.”

I had watched him closely over the previous weekend. Besides the longing, I saw a stubborn streak. That could backfire, sure, but I wasn’t one to give up a fight before it was through. Obstinance could be used to make him better and drive him to change without realizing it.

Setting myself up for a fall, maybe, but I didn’t fall in love easily. I just perhaps really loved a challenge…

Chapter Two

Burke helped me clear the kitchen counters enough to prepare food, but the clutter throughout the house could have been better. Not only was it unhealthy, but it was dangerous. “Seriously, Hud, let us come help. You can torture the brat with a room or two, but the house? It’ll take the two of you more than a month to make a dent.”

I wasn’t one to ask for help. It set my teeth on edge to think of it, but having it offered by a man who had gotten me great, well-paying gigs over the years I’d worked for him was hard to refuse. “Fine, a little. I’ll let Javi know I’m adding a rollaway dumpster to the budget.”

“Okay, then we’ll gather the troops and come help.”

“The troops?”

“My partners, my friend Eli and his fiancé…that’s so weird. Still not used to them being engaged.”

“Oh, the other one Theo hit on. Right,” I said, laughing. I remembered the beautiful man and his fine-ass Daddy Dom with the silver hair. They were both fine as hell. “I’d appreciate it, even if I bitch, you know.”

“I get it. I don’t like asking either, but when you live in the country, it is nearly impossible not to ask for help sometimes. Like those hogs! I know the old workers are coming until Javi can figure out what to do with them, but…they can’t be here twenty-four/seven.”

“Again,” I confided, “the little brat will help me with them.”

“You’re fucking cruel. I love it.”

Javi came back with Theo, who wasn’t happy. That was obvious from when he exited the car, screaming at Javi before he could. “I cannot believe you! How dare you tell me who can and cannot stay with me!”

I watched him slamming his hands down on the car's hood, then he curled those hands into fists and slammed the hood again. Javi scrambled out of the car, heading dangerously toward Theo, and I knew then my role was needed.

I stepped in between them quickly and held a hand up to Javi. “I’m guessing I need to secure him from…everyone?”

“That mother fucker! I’m going to kill him! This is a rental, you little fuck!”

I turned around to Theo, whose chin came far up in defiance. “What?”

“Go in the house, or I’ll just step out of the way and find another job.”

I almost laughed at how fast his jaw dropped. “How dare you!”

“Like this,” I said, then grabbed him by the back of the neck and pushed him toward the house. “Get in the fucking house!”

After a few nasty glances over his shoulder, he reached the porch and over the threshold. Javi was fuming. “He kicked the fuck out of the seats in there. I’m gonna have to pay up the ass for this thing.”

“Take it out of his personal money,” I suggested.

Javi blinked once, then looked up at me, blinking more as his jaw was the next to drop. “Ya think?”

“He did it. It’s about time he starts paying for his own mistakes, right? And add a couple of rollaway dumpsters to that bill.”

“What for?”