Page 1 of Hog Tied

Chapter One

The place wasn’t new or fancy, but it was exactly the home that I, Hudson McLeod, had longed for all my life.

I stood in front of the two-story farmhouse with the wraparound porch and peeling white paint and fell in love with it. Shutters, brick chimney, dark shingles that almost blended with the pine forest behind the house and gables. Perfection.

A hundred or so feet from where I was, the distinct sounds of hogs could be heard as they were wallowing in their muddy paradise, and farther than that was the clucking of the chickens that made a chorus with the lone cricket under the porch and the birds nesting in the elms in the yard.

“Home. For a while, anyway,” I sighed, entirely to myself.

Trees surrounded the property except for a long field west of the house stretched for at least a mile. Fifty pigs were in the pens far east of the property, a chicken coop filled with twenty-five hens and one very testy rooster.

There was a barn, a couple of sheds, and quiet…

I was raised in the city, but if I had my way, I’d have lived the rest of my life in a place like the one where I stood that morning. I’ve always loved the country, the beauty of the mountains, and the cool of the breezes that brought the scent of pine to me.

I’d just come off a sex-crazed weekend of debauchery at the launch of a sex club close by, and I felt it as I’d walked from my Lexus. Not that I was complaining. I tried not to complain, even to myself. What use was it?

It was how I was raised. Suck it up and move on with your life; I’d done that a million times. So, that morning I sucked it up and headed to the house, awaiting the arrival of the pain in the ass, what I called my new principal. That is what the client is called to those that don’t know what principal is. I was a bodyguard by trade. Burke Monteleone hired me three years back to his security company after we met and got to know one another in another sex club. So far, I’d had a new principal each year. I was never fired, choosing to leave when they moved to places I didn’t want to be. I was good at my job and could be choosy, so I was.

This principal was going to challenge me. He was a young punk with an arrogant attitude and a sweet little ass. He collected men around him like trading cards, usually by throwing money at them. I’d gotten that after one weekend watching him in the sex club, and I didn’t doubt my assessment a bit.

I was told that sending him into the middle of nowhere was for his protection and that I would get full detail as soon as his handler showed. Javier Duran was a bodyguard, too, that just so happened to be married to his principal, the second in charge of a crime family. Thiago Gentry, also known as Theo, was a cousin by marriage to Javier’s husband, Danny Montello. That’s all I knew, but I felt Theo was hiding because of something he did.

And I soon found I was right on the money. Burke and Javier pulled in behind my Lexus in Burke’s Jeep SUV. When they exited, I didn’t see Theo with them but greeted the big, beautiful Burke and let him introduce me to Javier.

“Hud, how are you feeling?” Burke asked me, and he was positively glowing. He had a right to; his new kink club was incredible.

“Sore. That club of yours did me in.”

Burke was not only the guy that hooked me up with jobs but also a friend. A gorgeous Italian man with dark hair and olive skin, almost my size, though not entirely. I’d always thought it was too bad he was a top. But, his years-long partner was a top too, Damon Street. They recently found their forever sub and collared him on stage Saturday night.

“Sorry I missed it,” Javier said, holding his hand out to me. Javier was Latinx and also beautiful. Short black hair and a beard framed his handsome face and made his dancing dark eyes the focus.

Burke said, “This is Javier, but we call him Javi. Javi, this is Hudson McLeod, but we call him Hud.”

Javier’s eyes moved up and up slowly as he took in my immense size. I didn’t mention it before, but I’m 6’6” and nearly as wide. Well, not really that wide, but…

“Let me take a guess,” Javi started, smiling wildly, his eyes still moving over me in vast awe. “You were triplets, but you ate the other two before you were born, and they just kept growing with you.”

“That’s a new one,” I said, laughing. “I like that; I like that.”

“God, Javi,” Burke chided him as he laughed. “Listen, this man will protect the pain in the ass. Don’t chase him off.”

“I’m not that easily scared away, Burke, you know that,” I told him. “So, where is he?”

“Left him back in the guesthouse for now. We…cleaned around him,” Burke explained. “Javi wanted him to stay there until he could come, talk to you and check the place out for himself.”

“I thought you bought it.”

“I did, but I never saw the whole layout. My boss offered the old guy a ton of money and took it without a second blink. Heard it has hogs.”

“It does,” Burke said, then lowered his voice to add, “My boy and his mother, and I think half the county, bring their unwanted people problems here and feed these hogs. Or so I hear.”

“Perfect for us, eh,ese?”

I laughed with them, though pigs were great at that very thing. “What is the guy’s deal? He’s a prick, but a beautiful prick.”

“He is, man,” Javi sighed. “I’m fucking sorry, but yeah, he’s a spoiled rich little fuck that has gotten his way forever, never learned the hard way on anything except this shit.” Then he cursed under his breath.