Bringing home random trinkets for those in our world.
Definitely makes me happy.
And showing the students of the place I still volunteer at when I’m home techniques as well as styles they most likely would’ve never heard of if it weren’t for me?
Definitely brings me another level of content I can’t imagine finding anywhere else.
Kind of like having Lo participate in the classes alongside Tucker.
They both love those low key weekends and arranging with Brandi for some of the local students to do it in my absence as part of their internship for The Frost Luxury Hotel was the best wedding gift I could’ve ever asked for.
She really is thequeenof good gifts.
Even if she has unorthodox means to get them.
“Now,” Tucker gingerly continues, eye contact with our son unmoving, “does magic still make you happy?”
He eagerly nods. “Even when I don’t mean to hit people like the villain man or the pretty lady.”
“Villain man?” Claude chortles. “What made him a villain?”
“His mooshmache did this!” Lo uses his pointed index fingers to draw the shape curling upward. “He was at the shop where we got my hat.” My son gestures to the accessory before politely proclaiming, “We needed a home for David Hopperfield to live. It’s a good one.”
Britt doesn’t bother hiding her snicker. “David who?”
She giggles a little louder around asking, “And who is that?”
“My new baby bunny!”
“I’m sorry, when did we get a baby bunny?” Whipping my face Tucker’s direction is followed by an incredulous stare. “And when were you planning on…on…on…doing the word thing?!” Poor phrasing has me cringing. “The thing where you give me the word update!”
“You mean…tell you? When was I going totell you?”
“I was originally going to tell you when we got back to the cabin, but then we got there late – because we took David Hopperfield to the Vet to make sure he wasn’t full of diseases-”
“No cheeses,” Lo interjects into the conversation. “Thank Fauna! He’s a healthy bunny.”
“Fauna?” his Gran Gran asks at the same time she picks up her Czechmate, a cocktail I’m mildly jealous I currently can’t consume.
“Ancient Roman Goddess of woodlands,” Tucker replies, stare swinging to his mother. “We discuss her anytime we’re out in greenery. Whether we’re hiking or biking or leaf painting, we take a moment to talk about nature. The importance of connecting to her.Stayingconnected.” His smile suddenly softens. “I teach Lo some of the same things Dad taught me. And while he’s a bit too young for some of the survival techniques that were passed down, he definitely has a few. He’s really good at spotting animal tracks.”
Britt silently gushes over the two of them with a wide mouth grin.
“That’s how I found David Hopperfield!” Lo explains as he reaches over to grab a corner piece of the appetizerBramborákyno one finished. “I followed his tracks while Dad was talking to the pretty lady-”
“That’s twice he’s mentioned this woman,” Claude not so quietly comments.
“I went all theway way way wayover to the tree where Dad couldn’t see-”
“Dad couldn’t see you!?”
“-which was why Dad thought he lost me-”
“You lost him!?” Lowering my volume seems impossible. “You lost our son?!”