Page 9 of Free-Spirit

Of painting naked people?

What young persondoesn’twanna get to practice getting paid to touch tits for a living?!

“This is the one you’re going on alone? The shorter job, right?” Fynn’s wife questions upon our arrival at the boats. “The one that lets you still be back home by Thanksgiving?” Dread I recognize all too well darts through her gaze. “You have to be back home by Thanksgiving, Yogi Bear! I can’t be the only one around petitioning for having whipped buttery potatoes! I need assistance!”

“Relax, Butterfly,” he sweetly insists and delivers a chaste kiss. “I promise we’ll be back before Thanksgiving.”

“At least you knew he was planning on leaving,” I thoughtlessly sneer out loud, prompting all adult attention to swing my way.


Shit. Shit. Shit.

That wasn’t supposed to…come out of the rambling piece on my face!

“I was gonna tell you about it last night,” Tucker calmly informs as he chooses the neon orange painted canoe, “but you were already asleep when I got back.”

“Tell me?!” The retort can’t be stopped from coming out in the form of a squeak. “Tell me?!Isn’t this the sort of thing we shoulddiscussbefore you just…go off…do?”

An unmistakable hiss out of Fynn precedes his apology, “I didn’t mean to cause waves in paradise.”


I forgot how much he speaks in weird words and riddles.

Their friendship has always made so much fucking sense to me.

Unlike my husband as an individual.

My husband who apparently thinks it’s okay to just make big plans to disappear for a lengthy stretch of time as long as he gives us a head’s up first?


Just puts it on the verbal calendar for me to acknowledge.

“No waves,” Tuck retorts on our behalf, either unaware or actively ignoring that there are. “You merely cleared a path that needed it.”

“Simply an instrument of The Cosmos,” Fynn good naturedly brushes off and prepares to push the object into the water. “Let me know if either of you wanna discuss more details while you’re in town. I know you’ve got dinner plans with Rich’s brother and wife tomorrow night, but I’m open whenever.”

“Thanks again for recommending that Czech restaurant for us to try. My family is really excited about it.”


Fynn can definitely havethatput on his win list.

I do have a soft spot for Czech cuisine.

Smažený sýrmay be my favorite thing in the whole world.

After all, who doesn’t love fried cheese?!

“No problem,” Fynn states on a dismal nod, ushering his hesitant wife and overly anxious son to climb inside.

Tucker warmly mimics the movements and encouragement to get in the canoe forcing me to stuff down my displeasure in order to focus on the experience at hand.

The family memory we’re making forand withLo.

Lo who’s currently declaring that he’s a magician pirate that’s going to magically rescue Koose Koose from drowning.