Page 8 of Free-Spirit

“Yeah, I’m gonna pass.” Rapidly shaking my head happens between sentences. “I’m not…the best…when it comes to…the…thing…with the feet and the fast, fast movements.”

“You mean running?” My husband playfully suggests.

“I mean if given the choice between rowing or running around the lake, I’mma choose rowing.”

“Perfect!” Fynn proclaims a little too instantly. “Because that’s exactly what we’re doing.” His grin is granted permission to stretch from ear to ear. “Every family gets a canoe, and you paddle around collecting all the different types of rubber duckies.”

Matching grumbles escape me and Torrance.

“However, there is onlyone white duckwhich is our ‘goose’ so to speak. Find that and you win a prize.”

There’s no stopping my head from tilting in a suspicious manner. “That doesn’t sound hard.”

“Yeah, the challenge isn’t in finding the white duck, but lasting long enough in the canoe with your family to get that done.” Amusement suddenly glistens in his stare. “Only children ages five and below are allowed for the activity.”

“Oh that’s…that’s…” my finger whirls around in search of the right word while disbelief battles with mirth, “that’s just…”

“Mean!” Torrance squeaks for me.

“Exactly!” I echo in a similar pitch.

Fynn continues to beam brightly. “The point isn’t really about finding the duck-”

“We’ll rescue tiny Koose Koose,” Lo declares having the details go directly over his head. “We will save him!”

“The point of the activity is about workingtogetherwith your family. Showing them teamwork and togetherness doesn’t have an age requirement.”

“Which is exactlywhywe’re doing it,” Tucker states to me, sweetness swirling around his blue gaze. “I think it’s a good message for Lo as much as us.”

Instinct to tell him about our expanding family is right on the tip of my tongue yet rather than make the announcement in front of friends, I simply sigh, “Okay. Let’s do this.”

Our family and Fynn’s begin towards the last pair of canoes waiting with him expressing gratitude my husband’s direction. “Thanks again for helping me put out the ducks last night, Tuck. I know it wasn’t themostexciting thing we could’ve done for work-”

“Eh, beats bussing tables.”

“True.” Fynn lightly chuckles before adding, “Hopefully, we have more fun at the Big Buddha Beach Bash in November.”

I quickly inquire, “I’m sorry, the what?”

Tucker nonchalantly turns his attention to me. “It’s this little weeklong festival in Thailand where people hop from nude beach to nude beach.”

“Nude means no clothes,” Lo slyly informs Fynch who seems uninterested in the adult conversation.

“The locals who host it want to give tourists aspinon the usual boring ish of a tour; however, business has been dwindling, so they requested my services.” Fynn effortlessly explains as his son reaches up to grab his hand. “I suggested we do a different theme night at each beach where they can get their body painted and dance around or sip cocktails naked under the moonlight.”

“Naked means no clothes too,” my son needlessly demonstrates his word knowledge further.

“The guy I had lined up to do the painting bailed-”

“He’s so gonna regret that,” Torrance mumbles louder than she probably realizes.

“-and Tuck volunteered to take the job.”


How mighty fucking chivalrous of him to do that without discussing it with his wife.

“And he agreed to join me a couple weeks earlier to secure the appropriate gear as well as train an anxious young artist that can’t wait to learn the craft.”