“Is that why you were really talking to some random ‘pretty woman’? Are you bored withthisrelationship?Thisadventure?Thispath?”
“This life?! Is that why you decided to just up and runaway for a job without even having the guts totell mefirst let alone ask how me or Lo feels?!”
“Do you fucking askmethat question when we’re in another country andyou’regone for hours on end leaving me unable to even take a shit in peace?! When was the last timeyouaskedmeifyour jobstill worked forme? Forus?! When was the last fucking timeyouchecked in and had a discussion withthis familyabout how much we see you? Or don’t see you? Or wherewemight wanna go? Or fuck, whereImight wanna go just to have a moment of space?! A moment where I don’t have to worry about what Lo has managed to get all over his shirt? A moment where I can go fucking inward and find clarity?! And tranquility?! And just a fucking breath!?”
The bark back has me bumping into the vehicle, elbow receiving most of the injury. “Ou.”
As if freeing himself from some sort of demonic spiral he didn’t realize he was in, he shakes his head and soothes his tone, “You okay?”
“What hurts? Your shoulder? Your bicep? Your forearm?”
“My heart.”
The unexpected honesty stumbles his jaw to the ground.
“I need…” Tears threaten the brims of my eyes. “I think weboth needsome space.”
“And since I’m apparently the monster here, the world’s worst wife-”
“I never fucking said that.”
“Why don’t I go grab Lo and let you enjoy your familyalone?”
“Giveyousome time tobreathe?”
“It’s fine. We’ll just go. I’ll grab him and make dinosaur shaped chicken nuggets and some of those fresh snap peas Fynn brought us for dinner instead.”
I’ve barely taken a step back towards the restaurant when his frame moves to block mine. “Can wenotpunish Lo forusfighting? You know how excited he is about dinner.”
“Great. Now, I’m not only being a bad spouse, but a bad parent?”
“Anything else you want me to add to my failure list? Maybe having to miss Dakota’s baby shower because we were in Doctenn? Or ordering Ivy’s engagement present later than I should’ve because I didn’t realize getting a hockey stick and puck engraved from his hometown in Canada was going to require eight weeks of around the clock labor along with sacrificing a moose? I guess I should put forgetting to give Violet the appropriate credit card for house repairs instead of the one set aside for emergency art supplies.”
His mouth twitches to argue but isn’t presented with the chance.
“How about this, Mr. Perfect? How aboutIgo back to the cabin and cry and vomit and wait for instructions on what to do next since it’s clear I haveno ideahow to be there for this family anymore?” Tucker barely gets the first letter of my name out of his mouth before I’m rubbing my elbow with one hand and displaying my own palm with the other. “Keys.”
There’s no reluctance in his retrieving them from his pants pocket.
Gently placing them in my hand.
I don’t bother offering any additional sentiments as I walk around to the driver’s side of the vehicle.
Really…whatisthere to say?
Sorry you don’t want the work in progress we call our family to get a little messier?