Page 48 of My First Kiss

“Tell her about the haircut,” Piper says.

Layna’s eyes widen in horror. “Please tell me you didn’t cut off that man’s delicious hair!”

I shake my head, laughing. “Just a trim, I swear.”

She sighs in relief. “Thank the gods. I didn’t know I liked long hair on guys until I met Linc. That man is fine.”

“Watch it,” I say, making them both laugh.

Layna just shrugs. “I’m only speaking the truth. Besides, I know girl code. He’s hot, but not really my type. Too brooding.”

Piper laughs. “Please, your type is the buttoned-up CEO with a stick up his ass.”

“Not anymore,” Layna argues. “I’m looking for someone a little more fun these days.”

Piper’s eyes narrow as she looks at her sister. “Hmm.”

Layna turns to me. “Back to the haircut. What happened?”

I groan. “Absolutely nothing. I cut his stupid, sexy hair and it was somehow super fucking hot. Which is weird, because haircuts are just my job, you know? They’re not supposed to be sexy. But being able to touch him and run my fingers through his hair?” I close my eyes, reliving the scene in my salon. “It definitely made me want to do more than just touch his hair.”

“Is it as soft as it looks?” Piper asks, making me laugh.

Nodding, I take a sip of my drink. “Yep.”

“How long before you give in and tell him you want to fuck him?”

I choke on my drink, coughing and sputtering as Layna fights her laughter.

Piper hands me a napkin and shoots her sister an odd look. “Since when do you talk that way? You’re usually so…” she trails off, searching for the right word.

“Uptight?” Layna finishes for her.

“I wasn’t going to say that,” Piper argues, but she can’t quite meet Layna’s eyes.

I have no idea what’s going on between the two sisters, but it’s true that Layna hasn’t been herself tonight. She’s been much more vocal, using more profanity than I’m used to hearing from her.

Layna shrugs. “I’m trying something new. It’s called fun. You should try it, too.” She grabs my hand as she stands, pulling me to my feet. "Let's dance."

Part of me wants to object, but the glass of bourbon I just drank combined with my frustration over Linc has me giving in. I let her pull me out onto the dance floor with her as the opening beat to Nelly’sYeahstarts playing. As we start to move to the music, Layna pulls me in close enough to speak into my ear.

“Guess who just walked in.”

A prickle of awareness rushes over me and I know she’s talking about Linc. He’s here. I don’t dare look around for him. Instead, I meet Layna’s gaze and she shoots me a wink. My heart pounds in my chest and I feel that familiar thrill shoot through me that happens anytime Linc’s around.

“Show him what he’s missing,” Layna says before spinning around and working her hips in a rhythm I can only dream of replicating.

I smile, letting the music flow through me as I begin to move. I forget about the rest of the people in the bar. I forget that Linc is somewhere among them, possibly watching me. Instead, I focus on what Layna said before we left the table and do my best to have fun for the 3 minutes or so that we’re on the dance floor. By the time the song ends, I’m breathing hard, and I know my skin is flushed because I’m hot and a fine sheen of sweat covers me. But I’m smiling as we leave the dance floor to head back to our table.

Piper is still sitting where we left her, but she’s not alone. Luke is sitting next to her, his arm around her shoulder as he leans over the table to say something to Linc. Linc laughs in response, but I’m not close enough to make out what was so funny. Still, the sight of Linc’s smile does something to my insides and part of me wants to turn around and return to the dance floor. Maybe I can dance until he leaves. I realize immediately how stupid I sound, even inside my own head. I’m the one who told Piper to make Luke bring him here tonight. So, why am I thinking of running away now?

Because you didn’t really think this through,I think.Put on your big girl panties and go talk to the man.I’ve spent the last two weeks alone with him at my shop for hours at a time. So, what’s the big deal now?Nothing.Get your shit together.I take a deep breath and let it out as I approach the table. I can do this. It’s nothing I haven’t done plenty of times before.

“Holy shit!” Layna grabs the glass from Piper’s hand and downs its contents in three swallows. All eyes go to her, watching as she lowers the glass to the table. With a smile, she says, “Dancing always makes me thirsty.

Piper narrows her eyes at her sister. “You’re buying the next round.”

Layna shrugs and takes a seat beside Piper on the bench. “Fine by me,” she says. “As soon as the server comes back, I’m buying shots.”