“Am I pathetic?” I ask.
“What the fuck? No. You aren’t pathetic. You know what you want and you’re going after it. That’s called ambition.”
I laugh. “Yeah, if you’re a man. If you’re a woman, it’s called conniving.”
“Pfft. Who cares what anyone else thinks. It’s not like you’re tricking him into something. You’re just showing him what he could have if he wants to reach out and take it.”
I nod, considering Piper’s words. “You’re right,” I say.
“So, should I talk to Luke?” she asks.
“Yeah,” I say. “And I’m wearing the dress.”
“That’s the spirit!” she shouts. “Okay, I need to go,” she says in a lower voice. “People are giving me weird looks.”
“That’s what you get for not taking the call in your office,” I say. “You know I’m not the best person for phone calls in public.”
She laughs. “I’ll see you tonight.”
I end the call, considering Piper’s words. She’s right, I know. I’m not doing anything wrong. I’m just going to hang out with my two girlfriends and have a couple of drinks on a Friday night. There’s no harm in that. And if a certain hot contractor happens to show up, that’s just a coincidence.
I'm all nerves when I walk into Peach Fuzz a few hours later. I don't know why. There's no guarantee Linc will even show up tonight. He's already spent plenty of time with me over the last couple of weeks. Time he could have spent at home with Ella. I'm sure he'd rather be at home with his daughter than out at his brother’s bar on a Friday night. He’s probably sick of me by now.
I spot Piper and Layna sitting at our usual table and head in their direction. I do my best to put Linc out of my mind so I can focus on just having a good time with my friends. That’s the whole point of girl’s night.
“Holy shit, you look hot,” Layna says when she sees me approach.
Grinning, I do a little twirl to show off the way the dress dips low in the back, showing off a lot of skin.
“Whew!” Piper says. “Linc won’t know what hit him.”
“Shh!” I whisper as I slide into the booth beside her. “Not so loud.”
She rolls her eyes. “We’re in a bar. There’s music playing. Everyone is drinking. No one is paying any attention to our conversation.”
“Besides,” Layna says. “If anyone looks our way, they’re going to be too distracted by how fuckable you look in that dress.”
I laugh at her comment as my face heats. “Stop it.”
“She’s right,” Piper says, raising her glass for a toast.
I lift the glass in front of me, pleased to notice that Piper ordered my favorite drink for me.
“To girl’s night,” Piper says.
“Chicks over dicks!” Layna shouts, making the couple behind us turn around and gape at her.
I laugh as we clink glasses and we all sip. The Old Fashioned is smooth going down with just a hint of a burn from the bourbon.
“So?” Layna says, looking at me.
“So, what?” I ask, confused.
She rolls her eyes. “How’s the flirting? Are you making any progress?”
I sigh. “I don’t know. Sometimes I think he’s flirting, but then I think maybe he’s just being nice and he’s totally oblivious.”