Page 6 of Axel

Reluctantly, Beth climbed off my motorcycle and shrugged out of my jacket. I took a risk and looped an arm around her middle, pulling her close despite her mother within sight. I didn’t know how much her mother could see when Beth and I were in the dark, but I imagined the fact a motorcycle was involved probably wouldn’t play out in Beth’s favor.

A small smile turned Beth’s lips up as she leaned into me and draped my jacket over the back of my bike. I unbuckled her helmet, and with Beth’s body blocking me from her mother’s view, I skimmed a quick kiss to the curve of her jawline.

“Bethany Marie,”her mother barked.

“I have to go,” Beth whimpered. She flung her arms around me with a fierce squeeze, pressed her lips to my mouth hard, and tore herself away. “Thank you, Axel. For everything.”

Then she hurried up the steps and disappeared into the house.


Even though it was nearly midnight, I wasn’t ready to sleep. My blood thrummed in my veins and I knew I would be wide awake for many more hours with Beth on my mind.

So, I headed to my clubhouse. At this hour, most of my brothers—especially those with families of their own—would be home by now. But there were a few stragglers who would still be wrapped up in a game of pool or poker. Even if I was alone at the clubhouse, it was better than being at home, staring into the dark, sleepless with the memory of Beth’s lips against my skin.

As I suspected, there were three familiar motorcycles lined up outside the Alpha Riders clubhouse when I pulled in. After leaving Mack and Diablo at the bar and grill by the theater, it didn’t surprise me that they’d drifted here. No doubt they were eager to spread the gossip thatAxel has girls flinging themselves at him for a kiss.

Sure enough, as soon as I stepped into the building, Diablo whistled from his seat at the bar.

“There he is!”

As the youngest of the group, and the Prospect, he was also the loudest member in our club—mouthy, sarcastic, and unsurprisingly single.

“Thought you’d be preoccupied for the rest of the night, brother,” Mack replied. He sat in a booth with his arm draped around the shoulders of his girl, Brianna. A deck of playing cards were scattered on the table. She poked him playfully in the side.

“Don’t get distracted from the fact that I’m beating you.”

Mack pulled her close and kissed her temple. They’d been engaged for nearly a year by now, practically attached at the hip.

“You’ve damn near cleaned me out, love. You can’t squeeze anymore blood out of this stone.”

“I’m sure you can get creative with your method of payment.”

Diablo balled up a napkin and chucked it in their direction. It bounced off the table harmlessly.

“Take it outside, love birds.”

Brewer—the President of our club—was in the corner, playing solitaire. He didn’t look up from his cards as he spoke.

“When do we get to meet this girl who was ready to jump your bones in the theater parking lot, Axel?”

I stifled a groan.

“It wasn’t like that.”

“Looked exactly like that to me,” Diablo piped up. “From the way you were eye-fucking each other, I thought for sure you wouldn’t let that pretty little thing leave your bed for the next twenty-four hours at least.”

“Did you recognize her?” Mack called.

I shook my head and shrugged as I moved behind the bar, fetching a beer for myself.

“Was I supposed to?”

He huffed a laugh of disbelief.

“That was Bethany Golde—rising star in the model industry. She got her start on social media and a lingerie line snatched her up. She’s been in high demand ever since.”

Brianna pulled back and narrowed her eyes at him.