Page 29 of Axel

“No motorcycle tonight?”

“Not in this dress,” I replied. “But there’s a very roomy backseat that should be accommodating for any activities we might want to try.”

With an amused hum, Axel raised an eyebrow as he cupped my chin. I practically melted at his touch. We’d only been apart for a week but it felt like a lifetime.

“That would mess up your look though,” he countered.

I slid my arms around his middle.


My mother would hate it. She’d put so much thought and planning into tonight’s exhibition, hoping it would make up for my indiscretions from last week. And then I would arrive at the party, looking properly fucked.

Savoring that thought in the back of my mind, I took Axel’s hand and pulled him into the car. As soon as we were inside, I pressed a button to raise the partition that would give us some privacy and separate us from the driver.

Then I pulled Axel’s tie loose and closed my mouth over his throat. I smiled to myself at the low, deep vibration of his moan against my lips. His skin was so hot and tasted so good beneath my tongue.

“Beth,” he rasped. “Hold on a minute—”

Axel put his hands on my waist, pushing me back until I met his gaze.

“Is everything okay?”

A thousand things surged to the tip of my tongue but I swallowed them all. I just wanted to lose myself in Axel. I wanted that freedom I only felt when I was with him. I plucked at the lapel of his tux, fingertips sliding the first two buttons on his collar open until I could see his collarbones.

“Like I said,” I replied. “I missed you.”

Axel’s gaze remained unwavering, searching my face until I looked away. I always felt like he could read me like a book. Pushing him back against the seat, I tugged at his belt, loosening the buckle.

“Besides,” I added. “I owe you big time after making you attend this exhibition.”

Axel caught my wrist with a firm grip.

“You don’toweme anything, Beth. And you didn’tmakeme do this. I’m going with you because I want to, sweetheart. It’s my choice.”

I stopped at the seriousness of his tone. He could have mentioned our fake dating arrangement—even if we had slipped into dating for real after that morning in Axel’s kitchen. Instead, he declared it his choice. He acted on his own free will.

It made my heart ache for him even more.

I placed my hands atop his thighs, feeling the hard muscle between the thin fabric of his pants.

“This is my choice, too.”

And I meant it. For the first time, I was eager for sex, instead of dreading it the way I always did with Lionel. Sex with Axel was incredible and I couldn’t get enough of it.

He studied me for a moment before sliding deeper into his seat, spreading his knees wider as a wordless invitation. I bit the inside of my cheek, needy and desperate and hungry to finally get my hands on Axel after a long, agonizing week away from him.

I knelt on the floor between Axel’s legs and unzipped his fly. Pushing his shirt up and out of the way with impatience, I pried the waistband of his boxers down and finally wrapped my fingers around his cock. He twitched in my hand, hot and heavy, with a faint salty musk that had my mouth watering.

I trailed my thumb along underneath then swirled up over the crown. Axel’s hips flexed, every muscle in his stomach stretched taut. He surged under my touch, growing harder.

“I’ve been thinking about your cock all week,” I said softly, resting my cheek on Axel’s thigh.

He blew out a shuddering breath, his pupils dilating full black. Before Axel could respond, I leaned closer and traced the tip of my tongue along his length, slowly flicking over his slit.

Axel’s eyes fluttered closed and he tilted his head back.

“Holy fuck, Beth.”