Page 6 of Drilling Deep

“Got it, boss,” she says, nodding once. The woman salutes me, and I’m not sure if she’s poking fun at me or if she’s serious. The glint in her green irises lets me know it’s the former.

“I’m serious. I don’t want you getting hurt.” Shit. “Anyone. I don’t wantanyonegetting hurt,” I quickly correct myself. It’s true that safety always comes first, but with Cora, the need to protect her is… intense. Protect her, ravish her, steal her away where no one else can look at her beauty.

Fuck me,I groan internally. This has got to stop.

“I understand,” she says, more serious this time. “I packed some other things, mostly to spite my father, but whatever the reason, I have some things that will work.”

I nod, trying to digest everything she said. This woman has at least a hundred words for every one of mine, and it’s taking me a second to catch up.

“I’ll show you where you’ll be staying,” I grunt, turning abruptly.

I stride down the hallway, not hearing Cora at first. I almost turn to check on her, despite my better judgment, but then I hear the now familiar tap-tap-tap of her shoes. We reach the end of the hall, where my private cabin is. I unlock the door and open it, waving her inside.

I’ve never cared much about what people think of me or my space. I can’t remember the last time someone came in here. Five years ago? Six? A crew member found out when my birthday was and thought he would surprise me by decorating my cabin.

I was not pleased. The idiot was fired the next day.

Standing in the mostly empty room now, however, I wonder what is going through Cora’s mind. Blank walls, no personality, no personal touches at all. I never noticed how dim it is here before. Of course it is since we’re on a boat. But why didn’t I ever think to get a desk light? Or a nightlight? Any kind of light.

Maybe I like the darkness. I certainly belong there.

“Anyway, here it is,” I say, breaking the awkward silence. “I’ll get your suitcase up on the bed, and we can finish the tour.”

I grab her luggage and toss it onto the bed rather roughly. Guess I’m still a little worked up over having this woman in my space. The damn thing bounces and tumbles off, breaking the zipper in the process. Clothes, toiletries, pillows, blankets, shoes, and all sorts of girly shit explode onto the cabin floor.

My eyes rest on a lacy red bra that’s nearly see-through. My blood rushes south as I picture Cora’s curves squeezed into the barely-there lingerie. When I see a matching thong, however, something in me snaps.

“Who are you wearing those for?” I grunt, pointing a shaking finger at her lacy underthings.

Cora gasps, kicking the offending garments away. “Not that it’s any of your business,” she states, placing her hands on her hips as she lifts her chin to reprimand me. “But I don’t need a man in my life to buy pretty lingerie. Sometimes a girl just wants to feel special.”

Well, damn. I know when I’ve been put in my place. “Right. Sorry,” I mumble, tearing my eyes away from her. Something about her breathing heavily, glossy, fierce eyes and squared shoulders has me ready to bend her over the desk and sink into her from behind. “Uh, well, I…” I stutter out, taking several steps backward until I’m just outside the cabin door. “I’ll let you clean that up. Be at the mess hall in an hour for supper.”

As I turn, I hear her ask, “Where’s the mess hall?”

“Down the hall, to the right,” I shout over my shoulder. I’m already a dozen feet away, and I don’t intend to slow down until I can get somewhere safely away from the confounding woman.

This is going to be a long fucking month.



Ipull my long blonde hair into a ponytail and look at myself in the mirror, tucking a few loose strands back into the hair tie. I found a pair of skinny jeans and a V-neck t-shirt in my suitcase, as well as some sneakers. They aren’t steel-toed boots, but I hope they’re good enough for office work.

Splashing my face with cold water, I try to look a little more human and a little less zombie-like. I’m afraid the bags under my eyes are here to stay after a terrible night of tossing and turning.

I kept replaying my interaction with Titan, oscillating from a feeling of warmth and protection when he caught me on the stairs, to complete and utter humiliation when he saw my matching red bra and panty set. I honestly don’t know why I packed them. I’ve never had the occasion to wear the lacy lingerie for anyone, and I’m certainly not looking for an opportunity aboard this ship.

What I told Titan is true—I like wearing that stuff for me, and I don’t need a man to show off for. Still, I should have just left it at home. I certainly would have if I knew my grumpy, temporary boss would see them ten minutes after our first meeting.

My phone dings, letting me know it’s time to report to Titan’s office for my first day on the job. I didn’t see him at dinner last night, but I was able to talk to one of the other guys and ask where the office was located. Unfortunately, the guy I talked to was Peter. I didn’t want to, but no one else even glanced my way. Just Peter with his unnerving stare and plastered-on smile.

I grimace at the memory, then catch the reflection of my scrunched-up face in the mirror. Relaxing my features, I try out a smile instead.

That’s more like it, I think to myself.

I’m determined to have a better interaction with Titan today.