Page 68 of Unravel

“I’veheard it gets better.”

“FuckIhope so!”Hereaches out and takes my hand resting in my lap. “Yousure that’s all this is?”

“It’shard to explain.”


Icurl both of my hands into his palm, wishingIcould curl my entire body in his hands. “Ifeel isolated but also smothered.I’mlosing myself or something.Moreand moreIwishEvancould stay more than justSaturdaynights.That’sthe only timeIdon’t feel lost or agitated.”Thisisn’t helping. “I’mnot making any sense.”

“Couldbe lack of sleep,” he offers.

I’mtoo exhausted to stop the tears.Buryingmy face in my hands is useless, butIsincerely want to hide.Grippingthe seat of my chair, he pulls it so close to him thatIend up wedged between his spread knees.Idon’t cry often, well not in front of him ifIcan help it, but he’s always exactly whatIneed, strong, protective.Notonce does he tell me not to cry.Ifling my arms around his neck and bury my face just under his hair.Amazinghow his scent eases my soul.Ifhe would just hold me whileIsleep, soIcan let go and rest, things would be easier.

LukeandEvanwere going to take turns sharing my bed with me.Evandoes, butLukenever has.Heis holding firm to his carefully constructed lines.

“Areyou okay?”Iask. “Thisisn’t easy for you either.”

“Areyou kidding?Iget to sleep in until almost noon every day.I’mliving the dream!”

Ilaugh through my tears.Hisfingers trail up and down my back.Iswear,Icould fall asleep right here. “I’mso tired, so…”Ihuff out a breath trying to find the right word through my muddled brain. “Soeverything.”

“Tellme what you need, babe.”

CanI?CanItruly ask for whatIneed?Mybrain short-circuits while my lips press a kiss to the pulse in his neck.Hestiffens, and his hands stop their delicate perusal.Whenmy lips ghost across his, warm breath enters my parted lips.Ibreathe him in deep and slow.Hisgaze zeros in on my eyes.We’relocked in a visual standoff, but there is no question about who’s going to cave first.

Iclose my eyes and pull his lips with mine.Lukegrowls like a threatened bear, but it only drives me to move into his lap and straddle his waist asIkiss him hungrily.Hismouth is cautious.Iuse my tongue to caress his bottom lip.Hisgrowl grows so deepIcan feel it between my legs.Desperatefor more,Ibite his lower lip harder thanImean to because he shoots to his feet and lowers me back onto the table.

Hisbody rushes to action, clasping hands with me and pinning them to the wood.Hiswarm chest presses against mine while his mouth devours me whole, my lips, my neck, my shoulders.I’mso tired it makes me dizzy and loopy.Ican’t think.AllIcan do is feel him.


Heshoves his hard cock between my legs and rocks his hips, sliding it up and down.Iswear, sex has not even been on my radar.Imean, hello, my pussy has neededTLC, and that has meant no touching.Rightnow, though,Idon’t give a fuck.Evenif it hurts,Iwant it.IwantLukeinside my body again.Ineed to hold him there whereIcan keep him.

Thetable groans as he continues to push roughly against me.

Pantinghe pulls away. “Ican’t fuck you!”

“Yes, you can!Please,Luke.WhatIneed isyou!”

Hestops moving and snaps his head to the side, turning away from me.Grimacing, he squeezes his eyes shut.Iknow he’s trying to gain composure, butIswearI’mnot letting that happen.

Ilock my ankles behind his back, snap his hips to mine and ride him like he’s a damn stripper pole.Bastardis big enough to be one, so why not?

“Fuck!” he spits out.

Frantically, he releases my hands and pushes my legs off his hips.Isit up and grip the edge of the table.Hemoves backward until his back hits the refrigerator.Hisdick is tenting his boxers and pointing right at me.

“Don’tdo this,” he pleads.

“Whynot?She’snot inside of me anymore,Luke.Ihaven’t had you inside me for…in forever!Ineed you!Don’tyou want to sink your cock into me?Letme feel and squeeze you?”

Heholds his hand out as ifI’ma threat to him.

“Fuck!Fuck!Fuck!” he chants under his breath. “Thiswasn’t a good idea.Ishouldn’t stay in the house anymore.”

“Thisis your damn house!Youbelong here!Webelong together!”Iargue. “Olivianeeds you.Sheneeds a family.”

Hispissed-off look saysI’vegone too far.Hesquints his eyes and leans toward me.