Page 59 of Unravel

Insteadof trying to reach across her body,Iget up, stand near her head, lean over, and capture her other nipple in my mouth.Themilk practically spurts onto the back of my tongue at the same time as her hands cup my balls.Ialmost come in my jeans, butIsuppress it by sucking harder and feeding off her breast.Idon’t come out of the haze untilIfeel her tongue licking my now freed cock.

“Ilove you too,Evan,” she says before taking my cock down her throat and sucking me equally as hard.

Igroan with the overstimulation.Myhips rock on their own, desperately needing to move.Islide both my hands down the contours of her body and across the tops of her thighs.Myfingers spread her labia apart, causing her to buck her hips and keen around my dick.Withthe very tip of my finger,Ibegin strumming her clit.

Ourpace is desperate and needy.Sheis exactly whatIneeded today, after the nightmares and the torture of school,Ijust needed mySiren.Hermouth pulls off my cock as she lets out a scream and comes with such power she squirts.Ifucking love making her come that hard.Itis messed up as hell, but somehow it makes me feel less perverted.Shemakes me feel that allIwant is acceptable.

Moremilk warms my tongue and my cock jerks, shooting cum over her breasts.Mymouth pops off her, gasping for breath as my cock spasms again and again.Shelicks my cum that lands on her lips and hums her approval.

Irise on my hands and hang my head as her fingers caress my softening cock while her other hand holds my thigh.Asthe high of my climax recedes, the dread seeps back in.HowcouldIever give this up?HowwillIsurvive when it’s over?

Rachelgently kisses my inner thighs, nuzzling against my balls, causing my legs to shake.Mypants are around my thighs.WhenIfeel the vibration against the back of my leg it takes me a few moments to realize it’s my phone.Rachelfishes it out of my back pocket and hands it to me.TheminuteIanswer, she sucks one of my nuts into her mouth.Thesensation has me choking on my hello.

“Whereare you?Youwere supposed to be home an hour ago,” my dad reminds me.

Iclear my throat, butRacheldoesn’t stop sucking, first on one ball, then the other.It’smaking my cock wake up from the pleasure coma she just put it in. “Iwas hungry, stopped with the guys at the diner.”

Rachelpractically snorts at the hungry comment.

“Getyour ass home!” he demands and then disconnects.

Myphone drops to the bed with a thud. “Youare in so much trouble, my dear!”

Shegiggles asIpull away from her to stand. “Soundedlike you’re the one in trouble,” she teases.

Inarrow my eyes at her asIround the bed. “Geton your hands and knees.Andquickly, becauseIneed to get home.”

Shegives me a knowing look of victory as she does as she’s told.Iposition myself behind her and flip up the skirt of her dress.She’splenty slick, butIrub my whole hand between her pussy lips.Shemoans untilIsmack her clit with my fingertips causing her to yelp.Scoopingup her arousal,Islick up my cock and push into her to the hilt.

Iwant to do this all evening.Ihate thatIhave so little freedom.

Grabbingher hips,Ithrust into her hard and deep.Shepushes back, urging me out just as fast.

“Fuckme, baby!Fuckme hard!”

Igrowl at her commands, let my head drop back, and piston in and out of her dripping pussy.Thefeeling is akin to floating through the air or being rocked on ocean waves.Shegives me wings and convinces meIcould reveal them to the world and fly away with her.

“Yourpussy isHeaven!”

“Evan!” she cries out as she comes a third time.

Ilet her orgasm have mine, surrendering to the pleasure she gives me.Nothinganyone can say or do to me can hurt me right now.Iam everythingIwant to be in these moments with her.



Ican’t get my damn phone out of my pocket.Itdoesn’t help thatI’mwearing several layers, including gloves.Wehad a late-season snowfall overnight, andIswear it feels colder today than it did inJanuary.Itstops buzzing only to start up again asIrescue it from the depths of my front pocket.

Threemissed calls and several messages fromRachel.


RACHEL:Luke, it’s happening.Areyou coming to the hospital?

RACHEL:Whyaren’t you answering your phone?

“Shit!Shit!”Idrop the pitchfork and turn to leave before turning back, only to turn the opposite direction. “Callher first you imbecile!”