Page 56 of Unravel

Ishrug and brush off the question. “Youknow what happened.”

“No,Idon’t know what happened between the two of you, well, not all of it.”

Afterlocking the door,Ihelp her down the stairs and into my truck.I’mhoping she’ll drop the subject.Oncewe start down the highway towardJackson,IthinkImay have dodged a bullet, but then she takes my hand in hers.

“Ifeel like something important happened.Morethan you deciding to shutEvanout too.”

“I’mnot shutting either of you out.”

Shehums in disagreement and looks toward the road.Thesun is blindingly bright on the snow.

“I’mnot going to discuss what we both know is true.Thereis more to the story though,” she insists.

Itap my fingers on the steering wheel, considering how much to tell her.Itfeels natural to tell her everything, but maybe that’s not wise.Justlike what’s happening between her andEvanright now, what happened with us is intimately private.

AndyetI’vebeen eavesdropping on their most private moments.

“RightafterItook that picture…”Myheart is pounding in my ears.Idon’t know whatI’mafraid will happen ifItell her.Ionly know thatIwant her to know as if it will make it more than just a distant memory or dream. “Hedropped to his knees and sucked me off.”

Rachelgasps, andIsteal a quick glance.Hereyes are wide, and her chin is slack.


“Iknow.Itwas…”Irub the back of my neck, trying to find words to describe the experience. “…fucking amazing.Ithought he was taking things a step further, and at the time,Ineeded it more than my next breath.”

“Whydidn’t you tell me?Eitherof you?”

“BecauseafterIreturned the favor, he broke down.Itwas too much.Wehad taken it too far.”

“Heloves you so much,Luke.Oneday he’ll let you in all the way.”

“Nah, you didn’t see whatIsaw; the fucking inner turmoil and angst.”Ishake my head. “Itwas a wake-up call for me.Irealized thatIwas pushing him too much.Ididn’t understand until that moment how conflicted he was, how everything was truly causing a rift in his heart.”

“Soyou let go, didn’t you?”

“Ihad to, for both of your sakes.Idon’t want to be responsible for causing either of you pain.Ilove you too much.”

“Weneed you,Luke.Welove you.”

Myjaw clenches, resisting the pull of her words. “Youhave each other right now, and that’s what matters.”

“Youknow?” she asks with surprise.

Inod once, and the sigh she makes feels heavy.Whenshe looks at me, heat stirs in my belly. “Ishe giving you everything you need, babe?”

“Yes.Everythingexcept you.”

“Hebetter, orI’llkick his ass,”Ijoke, but it falls flat.

“Wedidn’t want you to know.Didn’twant to hurt you.”

“Don’tworry about me.Youdon’t have to tell himIknow.Youboth have my approval.Itactually feels better knowing you have each other.”

“Somedayyou better make all this worth it!” she tells me sternly.

“HowwouldIdo that?”

“You’regoing to marry me someday,LukeGarrett, and make an honest woman of me.”