Page 39 of Unravel

“Whatare you going to do?Watchme sleep?” she asks.

“Yes, and if you’ll let me,I’mgoing to hold you.”

“Evan…” she warns.

Ilook into her dark eyes and see everything painful thatIfeel. “I’mnot arguing with you.Iwill be right behind you.”

Aftertaking a deep breath, she closes her eyes as if the exhaustion of our lives is too much. “Thankyou.”

“I’dkiss you ifIthoughtIcould get away with it.”

Shesmiles at that, andIwink at her causing her smile to bloom.

“Seeyou there,”Isay beforeIback away and close her door.

Withoutlooking around to see who might be watching,Imake my way to my truck soIcan follow her home.

* * *


I’ma twisted mess of emotions, watchingEvanopen my car door and reach out for my hand.Typically,Ican keep my emotions under control, but the hormones in my system are running amok.Itdoesn’t help thatEvanlooks incredible in a suit.Ihad thought putting distance and ending things would ease the need, but it hasn’t.Ithas only made it hurt more.

“Youdon’t have to stay,”Iinsist as he walks me to the back door.Helooks around asIunlock the door.LookingforLukeno doubt. “Idon’t know where he is, other than he’s taking photos somewhere.Hedoesn’t usually tell me where.”Ipush open the door, and we walk into the warm kitchen. “Hekeeps his time onSundaysto himself.”

Evanshrugs and removes my coat.Hesmiles and nods at the large bowl of ripeBingcherries sitting on the counter. “Wow, how did you find cherries so out of season?”

Mycheeks warm. “Lukebuys them.They’remy only craving, and he somehow manages to keep a supply for me.”

Evanplucks one of the cherries up by the stem and studies it carefully before dropping it back into the bowl. “Heloves you.”

Itake an unsteady breath. “AndIlove him, but this is…”

Evantakes me in his arms and holds me close. “Shh, you don’t have to explain.”

“Heloves you too.Talksabout you at dinner.Asksabout you, especially onSundayevenings.”

Evansighs and with the warmth of his breath, everything feels strangely normal.Iwant him.Thewords are on the tip of my tongue, but my desire for our passion is just a cruel side effect of my physical state of being.Alow groan vibrates in his chest, andIsoak it up as if it’s confirmation of his desire for me.Hishold loosens, butIsqueeze tighter.

“Whatdo you want to eat?” he asks.


Hemakes a small sound of amusement and holds me closer. “Youneed to eat.”

“Wereyou serious about staying?”Iask, hopeful.

“Yes,Siren.YouthinkIcan’t hear the song your body sings to me?”


“Imiss you,Rachel.Imiss us.”

“Imiss you too, but everything has changed.”Ipull back and lift my arms. “I’vechanged, just look at me!”Ifeel as big as a house.

Hisblue eyes blaze, but he clenches his jaw instead of speaking his mind.Helooks away, as if we’re in a staring contest, and he can’t stand to let me lose.Hishand snatches mine and leads me through the house.

“Comeon, beforeIsay something, we'll both regret.”