Ican quieten the buzzing of thoughts and the great pull of emotions, but it has become mentally exhausting.Amind can know too much.Beingcursed to have to contain it all, unable to purge a portion of it from my brain, has changed me over time.Myimmortality has grown into a torturous curse.
Iam in a hazy, half-reality even after the call comes through.Itwill be one of many.Celebrationsalways lead to more accidents, more heightened emotions, and more death.Iam no better by the time we arrive at the dive bar with a broken neon sign, sporadically illuminating the wordsDevil’sDen.
Iwork on automatic pilot as we rush inside.Thestench of beer and blood stings my nostrils asIattempt to stop the profuse amount of blood leaking from a bullet hole in the chest of a man.Withone touch,Iknow more thanIwant.Daniel.Sixkids all from different mothers.Heis pissed that he hit the guy that shot him.
Arogue.Athief.Akiller.Hedoesn’t want to die.Heis pleading for me to save him, but it’s too late.Hisheart is gurgling.
Ican hear his soul tearing away; a sound only aDreamReapercan hear.Wesee, feel, and hear what no other being can—a human’s soul.Itis how we know when they are dying—when there is no hope, which is exactly what’s happening now.
Thereis blood trickling from the corner of his mouth into his white beard.Thishulk of a man, who has lived a rough and violent life, is feeling the end approach, butIpromise we will take care of him.Igive him hope because he needs it.Theyall do, except for those who are ready to depart, whether they have peace with their maker, or have experienced so much pain that they seek relief.
Iwork on his wounds, finding another bullet entry in his abdomen.Hewon’t make it to the hospital, but we don’t stop.Heis already beginning to grow cold.Werush to stabilize him for transport.
Iride in the back whileEvedrives.Thereis no one begging to ride with him, which is good for him.Regardlessof his life and sins,Iwill be free to ease his suffering so he will feel no pain.
Thesirens blare as the ambulance rocks.Oncewe’re on the highway, whereI’veseen countless die,Danielopens his eyes.Hismind is pleading.Easingmy hand over his pulse as it becomes thready and weak,Ifeed on his fear and panic.Layinganother hand on his skin allows me to connect so that his energy can be drawn into my own body.
Itis a difficult sensation to describe.Aneffervescent tingle slides over my nerve endings and races to the center of my chest.Itcongregates there, tight and small.Eventually, asIfeed on his mind, the energy expands.
Iwork myself into his mind like a snake slithering between the crevices.Hecan’t feel the intrusion, only the relief asIease the burdens he has collected throughout his lifetime.
“It’stime,”Itell him, giving him permission to let go.
Hiseyes flutter as his emotions become mine, no longer plaguing him.Heis filling me with fear, but every emotion is there.Theyalways are.Beingthe monstrous angel thatIam, it’s magnificent to taste.Athrill rolls through me.Theonly thrillIever feel, and fuck, howIdetest it.
Hismemories are next.Theyare the most difficult for me because they will plague me forever.Theviolent souls are the worst, but aPhayedneeds to feed.Ican’t discriminate because this is my purpose.Itis even worse whenIcross paths with someone from the memories of thoseIfeed upon becauseIfeel the love they felt, the hatred, the best and the worst.It’swhyIam a recluse except for my job, a necessary means to an end.
Itake my time.Iam well experienced in feeding at a steady pace.Ashis energy passes into me, it sets my core alight.Itis a heady feeling of power and invincibility, the pinnacle of feeding.Hissoul continues to pull away, reaching for release.Thetethers to this world, this life, are tight, soul-crushing at times, but onceIease away the plethora of emotions, his soul urgently claws for freedom.
Leaningover his pale body,Islide my hand around the back of his neck.Atear trickles from the corner of his closed eye.
“Beat peace,Daniel.”
Whenmy lips cover his, his life flashes before him and floods into me, burdening my soul with the remnants of his.Theripping thunders over the flood of voices from his memories, from the cry of a baby to the moans of a lover, and finally to the pops of the gun.Ifeel all his pain so that he doesn’t.Hislips grow cold quickly, and when his heartbeat stops,Ifeel his soul descend to its eternity.
Ittakes me a moment to swallow the last of it, to accept this man’s energy into my body, butIdon’t linger.Ipull my gloves back onto my hands and pound the roof as a signal.Eveflips off the sirens leaving us in complete silence as we drive.
Bythe time we pull away from the hospital, it is after 4:30 in the morning.Tooearly to end our shift, and too late to feel anything other than the dread of the coming dawn.
“I’lldrive,”Itell her.
Evethrows me the keys and climbs into the passenger seat.Idrive back to our post and park in the back of the lot.Sheunbuckles her belt.AsIpark, she shimmies out of her pants.Nowords are necessary.Sheknows when they die in transit that this is whatIneed because she needs it too.Thegravity of death is heavy.Ileave the engine running, but kill all the lights, even the ones inside.
“Ismell your need,”Igrowl as she climbs over me.
Herhands work at my belt and zipper whileIlick up her throat.
“God,Imust taste awful!” she tells me.Sheis always insecure because her mind thinks this is twisted.
Thebattle between right and wrong, acceptable and perverse, plagues her.Shehas trouble reconciling the need to feel the epitome of life after seeing the face of death.Itisn’t so rare.Humanscling to what they need the most during the hardest times, whatever is the opposite of what they are going through.
Raisingmy hips,Ishove my pants down.Ineed to release this energy that is so formidable in my chest.Ialso need to push down this man’s thoughts and emotions by flooding them with my own.
“Idon’t care,Eve.Needthis!”Withone hand,Istroke my erect cock.Withthe other,Idip my fingers in her damp heat.
“I’ma sick fuck,” she mumbles as she unbuttons her shirt and scoops her breast from her bra.
Ibite down the length of her neck to her warm breast. “You’renot sick,Eve.You’remy refuge.”