Page 32 of Unravel


“Youhave to tell the doctor that you threw up this morning.”

Rachellays her head on my shoulder.We’renot alone in the waiting room, but the glances we get don’t bother me.Myonly wish is for her to feel better.

Thisappointment is an important one.It’sNovember, and she is at twenty weeks now.Halfwaythrough.Itdoesn’t seem real that it’s been over a month since she told us she was pregnant.

“It’sonly morning sickness.”

Ithink she’s really downplaying it.Iwoke up to the sound of her retching.Sherefused breakfast, which has me even more concerned.


Rachelstands but turns to me and holds out her hand. “Comewith me.”

“Inthere?”Iask, wondering why in the world she wants me to see the doctor with her.

“Yeah,Iwant you to.”

Decidingmaybe she wants me to tell the doctor about how sick she was this morning,Itake her hand and follow her and the nurse to the exam room.Itake the only chair in the room asRachelclimbs onto the table.Sheanswers several questions, and the nurse takes her temperature, pulse, and blood pressure before leaving us alone.

“Canwe get barbecue on the way home?”

Givingher a puzzled look,Ishake my head. “Nowyou want barbecue?Don’tyou still feel sick?”

Sheshrugs and smiles. “No,I’mcraving it, bad.”

“Doyou think that is a good idea?Whatif you get sick again?”

Rachelflips her hand at me, dismissing my concern. “Imight get sick again, butImight not.I’vebeen rather lucky when it comes to morning sickness.It’sreally nothing to worry about,Luke.”

Justthen, the door opens, and the doctor enters. “Whatare you telling him not to worry about?” she asks.


Thedoctor smiles at me as if she’s amused, extends her hand, and introduces herself. “I’mMichelleSumners.”

Ishake her hand. “LukeGarrett.”

Shelooks atRacheland back at me.Rachelgives her a nod and they exchange some unspoken understanding between them.Itmakes me feel a little uncomfortable, but neither of them seems fazed.Rachellies back and pulls her shirt up, revealing her rounded stomach.

“WellLuke, morning sickness is normal.Rachelhasn’t had much, soIwouldn’t be concerned.Oneminute a pregnant woman can be throwing up, and the next wants fried pickles.”

“That’sa thing?”Iask.

Rachellaughs softly. “Itold you not to worry.”

Iwatch as the doctor squeezes gel directly ontoRachel’sstomach.Immediatelythey turn their heads to the black-and-white screen that is full of weird static.Thestatic opens up and closes in on itself as she moves the wand overRachel.She’spressing kind of hard on her, butRacheldoesn’t seem to notice.Doesn’tthat hurt?

“There.” the doctor says, dragging my attention back to the screen that she is pointing at.

WhatIsee has me rising to my feet to get a closer look.Racheltakes my hand in both of hers. “Doyou see the head?Thespine?”

“Arethose tiny toes and feet?”Iask.

“Yes,” theDoctorreplies.Shecontinues to move the wand and press intoRachel’sbelly.Ifight the instinct to tell her to stop pushing so hard. “Theskeletal system looks perfect.”

Thattiny skeleton is wiggling and stretching.Whenthe hand moves to the head,Isquint my eyes.