Page 19 of Unravel

Islam hard into him, causing him to choke and gag.Hedoesn’t back down though, only works his mouth over me with increased speed and need.Iinterlock my fingers behind his head and hold him down on my cock.Hesputters, but then closes his eyes and opens his throat.Hismouth is so motherfucking hot and wet.Salivais seeping out of the corners of his lips as my hips roll and buck against him.

Hefinally opens his eyes to look at me again, andIwant him more thanIever thought possible.Heis right, this isn’t exactly whatIwant, butIimagine his expression of love and need is the same that he’ll have whenIfinally take him the wayIneed.

“Moveyour tongue,”Itell him.

Whenthat slippery muscle encircles my dick, my eyes flutter closed.Ihave to prop my hand onShadow’sback for support.Theanger dissipates, andIlose myself asImake love toEvanthe only way he’ll let me.Ileisurely slide out, and back in even slower.Iallow my fingers to ease their grip on his hair.Ihold his face instead, wanting to be tender, wanting him to feel whatI’mfeeling.

“Ilove you,”Iconfess.

Hishands, which have been gripping my hips, slip up my sides and over my pectorals.Hesqueezes my chest as if trying to convey the same sentiment.Hemoans around me, and the vibration sends me over an emotional cliff.Iyell out again as my cock shoots copious amounts of cum over his tongue and down his throat.Withevery contraction of his throat,Igroan.Myfingers fall limp allowing his head to bob as he continues to suck my sensitive flesh.Bendingover him,Ilean my arms against his horse because my knees are about to buckle.

Tearsslip down my cheek with the intense emotions that shake me to my bones.I’mnot sure if they’re tears of relief or crushing sadness.Evan’shand takes the place of his mouth.Henuzzles against me and plants kisses against the base of my cock and up my abdominals.

“Ilove you too,Luke.Ihad to give you something more.Ican’t stand to see you in so much pain.”

Hetucks my cock back inside my boxer briefs and follows his hands up my body.Ilean against him and give him my weight as he wraps his arms around me.Theneed to fall apart and cry like a baby is suffocating.

“Let’sgo back to camp,” he whispers as he runs his fingers through my hair. “Iwant to hold you if you’ll let me.”

“Whywouldn’tIlet you?”

Hislips graze my ear. “Idon’t want anything between us.Noclothes.”

Ilean back and look into his serious eyes. “You’resure?”

Fuck, he looks so vulnerable and needy.Ineed to taste his cock too.Hewill let me.Heneeds me to, even if he doesn’t realize it.

“Nothingwill ever mean as much as what you just did to me.”

Hesmirks. “Fornow.”


“Havefaith that it won’t be the only thing to mean so much.”

Iembrace him as my heart hammers in my chest.Anothertear rolls down my face andIsniffle, trying to compose my emotions.DareIeven hope, for a moment?Rightnow, it feels that hope will crush me to pieces.

Idon’t want to let him go, but twilight is setting in and we don’t want to ride back in the dark.

“Comeon, baby.Let’sspend the night together near the warm fire.”

Ismile against his neck. “I’mbaby,now?”

Herocks me in his arms. “Youare to me.”

“Andyou’re mine.”Istand straight and kiss his forehead.

Withone last inhale of his scent,Idistance myself, button my jeans and climb ontoSpirit’sback.Westart back down the trail asEvanmountsShadow, clicks his tongue, and leads him behind us.



Ican still taste him.Nothingpleases me more than to watch him as we ride back to the campsite.Internally,I’mbattling with myself, butIknowI’mcapable of leaving anything that happens between us right here inShadowThorne.Itwill be ours, and ours alone.Yeah,Iknow thatIcan’t hide it fromGod, but surely,Heknows how muchIloveLuke, no matter how hardIfight having these feelings.Ihate knowing that part ofLuke’sanger and grief is thatIkeep shutting him down.Whatwe have between us is such a wickedly complicated thing.

Rachelwas the perfect connection.Icould be with him, and he with me, because she was there.Weboth love her, and she loves us.Withouther…

Fuck, this is killing me!Ifeel pulled in every direction.Ijust wanted him to feel my love.Iwant him to know that if things were different, ifIwere different,Iwould do it.