Thesmile slowly fades from his face. “Iwas so happy that morning.”
“Weall were,”Iremind him.
Henods but stares at the dwindling fire.Ineed to keep his thoughts elsewhere.EverytimeIsee his emotions turn south, it smarts.
“SoIwas thinking on the ride here, that maybe someday, you could live out here.”Ilook around us at the gentle curve of the land as it cradles this small grove of trees. “Ahouse would sit perfectly among the aspens and rocks.”
Lukeglances over his shoulder, following my gaze, which immediately locks back on him.Heslipped his shirt on before we ate, but left it unbuttoned, so it hangs from his shoulders.Somethingabout him looking like he just rolled out of bed in the middle of our wild surroundings is incredibly hot.
“Youthink so?”
Whenhe turns back to me,IknowI’vebeen caught looking at him.Ismile, maybe even blush a little.Ishrug a shoulder and point behind the aspens. “Yeah.Rightthere.Theview would be amazing.”
Heswivels around completely this time, looking over the landscape. “I’dwant the entire front to be windows,” he says. “Andfor them to be visible from every room in the house, so no matter where you are inside, you won’t miss a sunset.”
Hehas taken pictures of that sunset so many times.Hedefinitely needs to invite the natural surroundings into his home.
“I’mpicturing thick weatherproof glass doors that can slide open, letting the outside in.Thebedroom would take up the entire top floor.Threestories so you can see for miles.Thekitchen and living area would be on the first floor, and the second floor left open to the first level.”Ican see it perfectly in my head as if it’s being built before my eyes.
Mygaze falls toLukewho is facing me again. “What?”
“Drawit for me.You’regoing to be the architect someday, andIcan tell by the look on your face that you can see it.”
Inod. “Itwould be an incredible house.”
“Iwant to see what you see,Evan.Imay never have it, but to see your vision would solidify it in my mind.”
“You’reserious?”Iask with a tilt of my head.
Heslides his hand across his chin. “Very.Thesame with the loft.Whenwe get home, let's make some plans, talk about it, and you can draw something up.”
Idon’t know why, but his request fills me with excitement and joy.Idon’t thinkIever knew he cared so much about my career choice. “Yeah?I’dlike that.”
“Hell, without you,Idon’t know howI’dfigure out how to make the loft livable, other than putting up some walls around the studs.”
Ismirk. “Oh, there’s more space up there than you realize.Theplumbing will be the hardest work.Probablyshould get a professional for that, especially if you want a kitchen.”
Heshakes his head. “Nokitchen.Abathroom and enough room for a bed is allIneed.”
“You’llwant one.Anda skylight.Youneed a skylight.”
Hechuckles. “Ifyou say so.”
“Trustme.You’llbe able to lie in bed and see the stars.”
Hestares at me with an intense expression.
“What?”Iask after it starts to feel uncomfortable.
“Justpicturing you laying under it with me.”
Ican’t contain my smile. “Yeah.”
“I’dlove that,Evan.I’vebeen worried that it couldn’t possibly feel like home, but if you design it,Ithink, maybe, it will feel more like a home to me thanIhave right now.”
“Ofcourse, it will!Lotsof privacy.Areal door that locks, and since it’s on the west side of the barn, the windows won’t face the house.Wecan make it your own refuge.”