“Holyshit, that’s fucking cold!”
Ilaugh and splash water on him. “You’resuch a pussy.”
“Me?You’reout of your damn mind to want to swim in this!”
“Eh, calm down princess.Itwon’t be so bad after a few minutes.”
“Yeah, after my limbs go numb.Prettysure my nuts have retreated into my body,” he complains.
“You’resuch a drama queen,”Itease before swimming toward him.Idive down and grasp his balls, causing him to thrash about and smack my arm away.Isurface with a laugh. “Nahthey’re still there.Abit shriveled, but not gone.”
Hedives on top of me, pulling me under.Wewrestle one another, splashing and yanking each other under before surfacing and laughing.Fora few moments, it feels like it always did when we escaped here.Whenwe were younger, and life wasn’t so fucking messy.BeforeIwas too naive to realize how sexyEvanis when he’s soaking wet.Hestarts to swim to shore whenIgrab his ankle and pull him back.
Hemoves closer, gently waving his arms back and forth in the water. “It’stoo damn cold in here,Luke!”
“Please?Fora little while.”Idon’t know how to explain whyIwant him to stay and endure the chilly temperatures for me.Idon’t want him to be too far away, now that he’s here.
Hegives me a smile and winks playfully. “Onlyfor you.”
Isink back to float again and feel his arms slide under my back for support. “Ineed the body heat,” he explains.
Islide my arm behind his neck indulging in the closeness.Ipeek through squinted eyes at him.
“Itold you, whatever you want to do,” he says with a genuine smile.
Ihum and relax against him.Hemoves us around the water, and it’s blissful.
“I’mso glad you’re here.”
“Howis it at home?”Idare to ask.
“Thesame as always.ThoughIdid get my parents’ permission to miss the game tonight.”
“Howdid you manage that?”
“Toldthem you needed me.”Hesays it as if it’s obvious, butIcrave the confirmation of my importance in his life.
Iopen my eyes and watch his serious face.Reachingup,Ipat his jaw with my hand. “Ido need you.”Itake a deep breath and let my feet drift down to stand. “Haveyou been able to spend time with her?”
Heshakes his head and shrugs. “Nah,Iwanted to, butIcouldn’t with school and practice.”
Istare at the horses, watching them graze.
“It’sokay to ask me anything,” he hedges. “Nothingabout that has changed.”
Icut my eyes to him. “Didyou fuck?”
Helets out a breath and moves directly in front of me.Hishands land on my chest.
“Iwon’t lie.Westill want each other.Wealmost did.Iwanted to.Fuck, howIwanted to, but without you…it didn’t feel right—to either of us.”
“It’sokay, you know.”