Page 12 of Unravel

Ilet his words comfort me more thanIshould. “Atleast you love me for something.”

Heglances at me and sets the creamer down. “I’vebeen choking down this coffee all week.You, my friend, are a godsend.”

Isit on a log across from him. “That’sgood to hear.Iwas afraid you’d be pissedIcame.”

Heshrugs. “Istopped being angry about two days ago.”


Helooks up at me as the fire illuminates his golden eyes.Thecut over his eye is healing, but the bruising is still there, causing him to look even more defeated.

“Idon’t know how to answer that.Now…I’mhere.WhenIsaw you riding toward me,Ifelt relieved.”

Thatis something, andI’lltake it. “It’sjust because you hopedIhad creamer,”Ijoke.

Hedoesn’t smile though.Instead, he drinks more coffee. “Helpyourself.There’senough for another cup,” he offers.

“Don’tsuppose you have a spare cup.”


Ilet out a breath and get up to get my pack and the suppliesIbrought.Hedoesn’t speak asIunpack and take my sleeping bag and personal items to the tent.WhenIenter the tent, his scent overtakes me.Iwish it were closer to sunset than sunrise soIcould lie next to him in the dark.AllIneed is to feel close to him.Wedon’t even have to talk.

Theflap opens andLukeenters.Hehands me his cup of coffee.

“Iam finished.Youcan use my cup.Iwasn’t trying to get rid of you.”

Takingit,Isit on my rolled-up sleeping bag and drink the first sip.Hesits on his makeshift bed and rests his arms on his bent knees.

“Iwasn’t sure you’d come.”

“Ofcourse,Iwas going to come.Regardlessof everything, this weekend is important to me.Iwant nothing more than to be here with you,”Itell him.

Henods and bites his lower lip. “Shedidn’t want to come?”

“Shedid, more than anything, but we knew you weren’t ready.”

Luketakes off his hat and strokes the brim before setting it to the side and stretching out to lie down.

“Areyou going to ask me about her?”Iask.

“I’mafraid to.Ihurt you both.”

“Weunderstand, you know.”

“But?” he asks hesitantly.

“Butour feelings for you haven’t changed.Westill want to be with you.”

Hiseyes close as if it’s painful. “Ican’t.Ijust can’t.”

“Okay.Thenwhatcanyou give us?”

Helooks at me then. “WhatifI’mnot sure?”

Inod to let him know that’s acceptable.

“Everythingthat happened has been on replay in my mind,Evan.EveryeveningI’vewanted to return home to you both becauseIdon’t want to sleep alone anymore.Butevery morningI’mnot ready to go back.”