Page 108 of Unravel

“That’swhyItouched your face, to ease your emotions.”

Slowlyhe touches his cheek with his fingertips.

“Youfelt that, didn’t you?”

“Idon’t know whatIfelt.”

“Butyou felt better, didn’t you?”

Hiseyes shift away and look around the room.Hisgaze stops on my bag that’s next to him, its contents spilling out.Hereaches over and fingers the hem of the t-shirtIwas wearing earlier.

“Wouldyou feel better ifIput that on?”

Heglances at me as ifIbrought him out of a trance. “No.You’refine.”


Helicks his lips and takes a deep breath. “Ithink,” he pauses, andIdon’t even need to touch him to see how conflicted he truly is. “I’mbi.”

“Youthink?”Ihedge carefully.

Heshrugs one shoulder. “I’min love with a woman thatIthought wanted to marry me someday, but…”Hetraps the necklace dangling from his neck against his chest. “BeforeIleft, she broke it off with me.”


Hiseyes snap to mine and widen. “No.”

“Don’tlie,Evan.Thatisn’t how this is going to work.Isuspect you lie a lot to cover up your true identity, but not with me.I’vebeen upfront and honest with you, andIexpect the same if you want my help.”


“I’vealready explained how.EachtimeItouched you, your thoughts were practically yelling how much you love her.Notto mention,Icould see it that night when she was hurt.Youwere pacing the entire time.”

“Shit, are you psychic or something?”

“Orsomething.AsIsaid,I’mnot like anyone you’ve ever met.”

Hiseyes widen and blink as he breathes deeply.Ilean back on my hands and wait while he processes.

“Whatelse did you see?” he asks curiously.

“Enoughto know that you have a deep love forLuke.”

“IloveRachel, too.Bothat the same time.”Heis so uncomfortable telling me these truths.

Inod. “Soyou’re bisexual, there is no wrong in that.”

“It’s…it’s wrong, perverse.”Hestumbles over his words. “Ionly feel attracted toLuke, not other men.It’smessed up—I’mmessed up.Whyis it just him?Andif it is only him, then if he’s not in my life,Ican get over this.”

Thereit is, the ugly lie he believes is the truth.Ihold out my hands with my palms up. “Giveme your hands,Evan.”

Heshrinks away. “Why?”

Iwiggle my fingers. “Touch.Remember?Ican ease your emotions.Giveyou some peace.”

Hisfingers flex as he studies mine.Iwait becauseIneed to earn his trust.

“Iknow you’re anEMT…” his voice trails off.