Islap my hand over my eyes and scrub it down my face, only to hang my head.Shit!“DidEmbersee?”
“Shedid, but she only saw it as innocent.”
“Itis innocent,”Ilie.Ican’t even look her in the eye, hanging my head instead.
“Haveyou slept together?”
“No!”Isay too loudly.
“No!”Istand, ready to run, onlyIdon’t know where.Noway canIface my family right now.Leavingwould be suspicious. “AuntElise, please stop.”
Shewatches me intently as if she can unlock the secrets she’s digging for.Herhand snatches my wrist and pulls untilIsit back down.
“Isit not eating you up inside?Doeshe even know?”
“Ilove youAuntElise, but please stop.”
“Doeshe?” she persists.
Itdoes eat me up inside.Idon’t even talk toRachelabout it anymore.Heleft us both, and it’s easier if we can pretend it’s temporary.
“Iwould ask if he loves you back, butIcan see that he does.SweartoGodthere was so much heat between the two of you,I’msurprised something didn’t burst into flames.”
Howis she so at ease with this?Ihang my head and rub my hands over my scalp.
“It’sokay, you know.Iwould never tell anyone.Iwouldn’t even have asked, butEvan, you live a thousand miles from any other men who aren’t straight.I’mworried about you.”Hervoice is calm, honest, and caring.
“I’maware.That’swhyI’mleaving before someone figures it out before we fuck up.”
“Soyou have done things?” she hedges carefully.
Isnap my mouth shut, butIcan tell from the look in her eyes she knows the answer. “WhenIget away from here, all this will go away, andLukeandIcan go back to being friends.Ijust…”Ilower my voice. “Ijust want to be normal again.Idon’t know what happened, butIgot mixed up somewhere along the way.Ineed a reset.”
Shenods knowingly.
“What?Whyare you nodding?”Iask.
“Iunderstand.You’veadmitted your feelings, done some things, and now you’re both trying to keep anything more from happening.You’reso committed to it that you’re leaving him and running away toChicago.”
“It’snot like that.”
“Isn’tit?” she asks.
“Youdon’t get it.”
“Oh,IthinkIdo.Itdoesn’t matter if you’re living next door, or on the other side of the world, you’re not going to stop loving that young man.NotthatIcan blame you.Heis a gentleman, handsome as fuck, and has this strong, dominant presence.Mmm, mmm, mmm,” she hums as she takes a drink.
Jealousybolts through me. “Fuckit,AuntElise, he’s less than half your age!”
“Youdon’t seem to have a problem with his stepmother.Iseem to recall your mom prattling on about how much older she is thanLuke.I’dwagerLukehas feelings for her just by the way he says her name, not to mention, stepsons don’t defend their stepmom like a protective lover.”
“Thisis insane!”Ibark.
“Isit?Youwant to clear this up for me because it looks like a mess from whereI’msitting.”