Page 79 of Unravel

“Wantone?”EliseasksEvanand me.

“Elise, they’re not old enough to drink,”Mr.Logantells her. “Forthat matter,I’dprefer you didn’t drink in front of them.”

Sherolls her eyes at us with her back to him. “I’llmeet you in the garden then boys.Luke,Iwant to hear more about your photography.I’dlove to see some of your work.”

Ipush my chair in and pick up my plate.Emberis quick to take it from me. “Igot it.”

Ismile at her and touch her elbow. “Thanks,Sparky.Imeant to tell you that you look beautiful tonight.”

Thankfully, her parents are in the kitchen, which givesEmbercarte blanche to smile and accept the compliment.

“Actually,Ishould go.”


“Thankyou for the meal,Mrs.Logan.Itwas delicious as always.I’lltellRachelyou asked about her,”Isay just to stick it to her a little more.

“Stay!”Evanwhispers nodding toward the sunroom that leads out to the garden.

“Ithink it’s best ifIleave before your mom starts asking me more questions.Gohang out with your aunt while you can.Sheis amazing.”

Evansmiles and then wraps his arms around me.Wepat each other’s backs, keeping it as emotionless as possible, even thoughIwish it were a hug like the one he gave me whenIarrived.Islip out of the house without another word.I’vehad my social fill today.Thereis a hot shower and a big bed waiting on me at home.



“Lukeis wonderful.Especiallythe way he took on your mother and her interrogation.”AuntElisetakes a drink of her beer.Shesnagged one for me too.I’mparanoid about drinking it, worriedMomorDadwill catch me.Fornow,I’mkeeping it tucked in between my hip and the lounge chair.

“Lukeis the best.I’mgoing to miss him.”

Shelooks toward the house causing me to do the same, but the sunroom is empty.Thelight in the kitchen dims, indicating everyone else is either in the living room or somewhere else in the house.Feelingit is now safe to drink,Itake a long swallow of the cold beer.

“Haveyou been in love with him since you met, or is this a recent development?”

Ichoke on my drink, managing to keep it from spewing out of my mouth. “What?”

Shesmiles and pats my back to help me breathe. “Evanhoney,Ican see that you love each other.”

Icough a few more times and pound my fist against my sternum. “Likebrothers.”

Herfingers wrap around my chin and pull my gaze to hers. “Irealize no one else in this house could possibly conceive of the kind of love you two feel for each other, butIsee it.It’slike seeing a comet streak across the sky.Youknow they exist, but nothing prepares you for the beauty of seeing it with your own eyes.”


“Don’tlie.It’snot likeI’mgoing to tell yourPuritan-minded mother.Herhead might explode.”

“I’mnot gay,”Iinsist with a loud whisper.

Shejust smiles and pinches my cheek. “Ofcourse, you’re not.You’rebi.Hell, you’ve had an eye for the girls since you were thirteen, butLukeis special, isn’t he?”

Isit with my lips parted, dumbfounded.HowcanIeven respond to this?It’snot as ifIcan admit it. “It’snot…I’mnot…”

“Iunderstand if you don’t want to admit it.NotsureIwould ifIwere in your place.”

“Whereis this coming from?”Ifinally ask.

Shesighs thoughtfully. “WhileIwas fixingEmber’shair,Isaw the two of you whenLukearrived.Thewindow over her bathtub has a perfect view of the driveway.”