“You’rea baby daddy now?”MikeWardandJacobSullivanapproach, looking and acting the same as they did the last timeIsaw them. “Guesswe now know the real reason that you ‘graduated early’,” he says using air quotes.Jacob, ever his supporting sidekick laughs.
“She’smy sister, asshat.”
“I’mher mother,Luke’sstepmother,”Rachelsays smiling.Whywould she even give them the time of day?
Jacobwinks at her. “Hell,Garrett, you sure you don’t want to claim that baby as yours?”
Ilean down untilI’mnose to nose and glare into his arrogant eyes. “Don’ttalk about my family.At.All.”Iwarn through gritted teeth.Ikeep my voice low so as not to disturbOlivia. “Getthe fuck out of my face and run off to your mommy beforeIkick your ass.”
“Luke!”Racheltries to pull me away, butIam not backing down.
Iglance atJacob. “Thatgoes for you too.”
Mikejust chuckles and slaps me on the shoulder as ifI’mhis buddy. “Onlykidding,Garrett.Noneed to get your panties in a wad.Youshould be proud to have a hot step-MILF.”
Igrowl at him, ready to hand off the baby and give his face a new area code. “Fuckoff and don’t so much as look atRachelagain!”
Heholds up his hands in defense, still smiling.Hegot the rise he wanted out of me, andIdetest that, in a way, he’s won.Nothingwould make him, or everyone else in this town, happier than to provoke me to literally kick his ass right here at graduation.
“You’regoing to regret this,Ward.”
Heshrugs and scoffs. “Sure.Youhave a good day,” he mocks and wiggles his fingers in a wave before turning and strutting away.
“Thatwas unnecessary,Luke.Youhave to ignore guys like that.”
“I’vebeen avoiding that motherfucker all my life.Iwouldn’t give a shit if he hadn’t said anything about you andOlivia.Noone is going to mess with my family.”
“OrEvan?” she asks softly.
“What?”Iask.IfindEvanin the crowd with his family. “Noone messes with him either.I’llkick their ass too.”
Asif on cue,Evanholds up his hands to his family as he backs away from them.Hisfather looks at his watch before they turn toward the parking lot.EmberfollowsEvanthrough the people to where we’re standing.
“Shewanted to ride with me,” he whispers quickly.
“HeySparky!”Ihold out my fist, and she bumps it with hers.
“She’sbeen dying to see her,”Evaninforms us.
Ilower to a crouch so she can get a good look and lift the blanket.Emberrests her hand on my shoulder as she leans down and kissesOliviaon the cheek. “She’sso little!”
“She’sgrown a lot.Youshould have seen her when she was born.Shefit in just one of my hands.”
Emberrolls her eyes as if she doesn’t believe me, and we all laugh at her dismissal.
“Shelooks like you,Ms.Garrett.”
“Wellthank you!”Rachelholds out her phone. “Ember, would you mind taking a picture of us withEvan?”
Embertakes the phone and steps back as the three of us huddle aroundOlivia.Rachelends up betweenEvanand me.It’sso fucking normal and innocent, that it’s agonizing.Ismile through the pain asEmbersnaps our picture.
Rachelthrows her arms aroundEvan, but his eyes are on me. “Congratulations!” she cheers.
Theymanage to behave themselves and keep the hug above board.Withmy free arm,Iwrap it around his shoulders and pull him into me.