Page 66 of Unravel

“Herbrother, remember?”

Rachel’ssmile fades as if reality just burst her bubble. “You’remore than a brother or uncle.She’llhave a special love for you, just like her mom.”ShetakesOliviaback in her arms, rocking her gently.

Evannudges my arm asIclose up the suitcase. “Ifilled up the tank onceIgot into town.”

“Thanks, man.Ijust want to get them home.Ineed a shower and a change of clothes.”

“Itold you not to spend the night here,” she reminds me.

Islide my knuckles around her face. “Iwanted to.”

“You’lldrive my truck back?”Iask, and he nods.

“Whatabout my car?”Rachelasks.

“We’llcome and get it next week.Marysaid it was safe in the staff parking for now.”

“Butwhat ifIneed to run to the store, or there is some emergency need for diapers?”

Evansmacks my chest with the back of his hand. “You’rekidding, right?Lukeisn’t going to take his eyes off either of you, for probably,ever.BesidesItold him to take care of you both sinceIcouldn’t be around as much.”

“Weshould get going.Youneed to rest,”Iinsist.

“Anda bath!Along hot bath!” she says with a dreamy voice.

“Hey,”Evanelbows me. “I’lltake that.Isthat going too?” he asks, referring to the cart of flower arrangements with a few pink balloons and a tiny pink teddy bear.

“Yep!Allof her coworkers sent flowers.”

Evanfollows me asIpushRachelandOliviain the wheelchair into the hallway.

“Youshould know.WhenIgot to your house there were several boxes of casserole dishes sitting by the door.Itook them all inside and left them on the counter.Theladies brought them over after church.”

“Really?” she asks. “That’sa surprise.”

“Theybetter send food.Youdon’t need to worry about that stuff.Besides, it’s me who stopped going to church, not you,”Iremark, pressing the elevator button for the main floor.

“Aslong as they don’t come over tosee the baby.Becauseyou know it is actually a mission to get information,” she says pointedly.

Evankeeps quiet.Theinterior of that house is sacred.Itholds our secrets, and no one is allowed to invade our privacy.

“Justso you know,I’mgoing to stay in my room for a while to help withOlivia.”

Evannods. “CanIstill stay the night?”

Rachelwraps her hand around his and lays her head against his arm. “Thisis allIwant, the both of you with me andOlivia.Ijust want us together again.”

Whilewe are together, it’s not the type of together she’s implying.Wewill be our bonded unit, sure, but it ends there.

“Wecan take turns sleeping with her.Idon’t want her to have to get up every timeOliviawakes.”

Theelevator doors open, and we pause our conversation until we get to the front door whereEvanhas parked theSUV.

Hetakes care of the bag and the flowers whileRachelandIgetLittleMissOsituated.Wefinally figure out which strap goes where, andRachelfusses over her blanket and beanie.

Evanscratches the back of his head. “I’mall for staying with you, butIdon’t know shit about babies.”

RachelandIlaugh.Helooks more confused than ever.Ipat his shoulder. “Don’tworry!You’reabout to learn!”