“Itis late.”Hestands. “It’sclose to two in the morning.”
“Luke,Idon’t like the idea of you driving so far this late.”
Hestops before he reaches for the door, and nods to the corner across the room where there is a big recliner with a pillow and a blanket folded in the seat.
“YouthinkIwould sleep anywhere else while you’re here?”
“Luke!”Iwhine, but it’s more out of sheer adoration than complaint.
“Takecare of her.I’llbe right back.”
Thesoft squeaks coming fromOliviaare the only sounds after he leaves.Thedamn tears start again.Irun my hand over her tiny form wrapped up tight.
“Heis the love of my life,LittleMissO, and he is going to take such good care of us.Don’tyou worry.Thatman will always protect us and provide for our every need.”
Shesighs as if in agreement.Idecide to let the tears fall since we’re alone.Itis just too much emotion to keep inside.
Evanslips into the room with just a soft knock on the door.
“Hey,Siren,” he says with a wink toRachel.
Iswear her smile could light up a thousand dark nights.Shestarts to get up, butEvanstops her. “Don’tget up.Stayput and just rest.”
Hetwirls my keys around his finger. “BroughttheSUV.”
Ireach into my pocket and swap keys with him.Heoffered to drive it toJacksonbecause it has more room for the car seat. “Didyou bring the car seat?”Iask.
Heducks his head as ifI’veoffended him and slaps me on the shoulder. “Yes,Ibrought the car seat.Unlikeyou,Iremembered.Putit in the backseat and everything.”
Hiseyes finally fall onOlivia, who is asleep next toRachelon the bed.
“MayI?” he asks.
Rachelbeams at him and gently picks her up and places the baby in his arms.Hecradles her head in his palms. “Hey, beautiful girl!Yourchariot awaits, sweetheart.”
Hiscooing, sticky-sweet tone makes me laugh.Heis such a damn charmer.Seemsit doesn’t matter what age the girls are...or if they’re boys for that matter.Thatmakes me chuckle again, but his attention is focused solely on the girls.Heleans in and kissesRachelas ifIweren’t standing there.
“Iwanted to be here,” he tells her.
“Iknow, it’s okay.Lukewas here.”
Heglances at me, butIcan’t read the expression on his face.It’seither desire or jealousy.
“What?Idon’t get a kiss?”Itease with a smirk.
“Youdidn’t give birth to this beauty!”HeholdsOliviaup like that mandrill inTheLionKing.
Can’targue with that.Ihad nothing to do with any of this.
“Lookat all that hair!”
“Olivia, meet yourUncleEvan.”
“Oh, soI’mher uncle?Whatare you?” he asks.