Iswear,I’mgoing to have a heart attack when there is no answer as it rings a third time.I’mfinally hurrying to the truck asIyank my keys from the other pocket.
“Tellme what’s happening, little peach!Areyou okay?Whereare you?Fuckinghell,Ineed your suitcase!”Ihop back out of the truck.
Shelaughs at my expense. “Luke, calm down!Babiesdon’t come instantly.”
“Calmdown?Howthe fuck amIsupposed to do that?”
“I’mokay, andI’mat work.I’min good hands.Mywater broke whileIwas making my rounds.”
“Itold you not to go to work this week.”Assoon asMarcharrived,Ibegged her to stop working.Thefact that little girl is six days early makes me want to tellRachelthat she should have listened to me.Butno!Shejust wanted to finish out this week.
Istumble over my feet going into the house.Hersuitcase is by the bedroom door, just as we’d planned.
“AlrightLukeGraysonGarrett, you need to just take a chill pill and calm down.Thereis plenty of time for you to get here.I’veonly dilated four centimeters.”
Igrumble becauseIhave no idea what that means. “Gotthe suitcase.Doyou need me to bring anything else?”
“EverythingIneed is in there.”
Islam the door behind me and lock it.
“What?!”Isnap. “I’msorry.”Itake a deep breath trying to get a handle on things.
“They’regetting me settled into a room.It’sin the maternity wing, room 602.Maryis going to stay with me.Tellthem who you are at the nurses’ station, and they’ll get you a bracelet.”
Thankfully, the truck doesn’t give me any issues asIdrive to the highway.
“Bracelet?”Iswear she’s just making shit up.
“AnIDbracelet that will give you access to my room.Iwent over this with you, remember?”
“Yeah,Iremember.”Thoughmy brain feels likeSwisscheese at the moment.Myhands start shaking as the adrenaline kicks in.Thena wall of emotion hits me full force.Tearsgather in my eyes. “Ifucking love you,Rachel.”
“Ilove you too.Drivesafely.”
“Iwill,”Ipromise beforeIend our call.Iglance at the time.Imight be able to catchEvanbefore he leaves for school.
“Dude, do you know what time it is?” he grumbles as he answers the phone.
“She’sin labor, little brother.”
Thereis a pause, a long one.
“Yeah, man.Ijust left the house.I’ma nervous wreck.”
“Fuck!Ican’t go with you.Thereis no wayIcan get away with skipping school today.”Hesounds defeated.
“Weknow.Iwish you could be there too.Justknew you would want to know.”
“Doyou need me?BecauseI’llbe there in like five minutes if you want me to.Fuckschool!”
Reliefand warmth wash over me. “Nah,Ijust needed to hear your voice.”