Page 53 of Unravel

“BecauseIwant to know everything.”

Shenods and closes her eyes asIslip the bra off her arms.Isit possible that her nipples are larger, tighter, and darker in color?Iroll them under my thumbs and feel the dampness.I’msuch a fucking freak because my cock instantly hardens to an uncomfortable state.

“AndI’mhorny all the time,” she confesses. “It’sso hard to get myself off now thatI’mso big.”

“Really?You’rehorny?”Nowmy curiosity is more than piqued.

Shegives me a soft smile and caresses my jaw. “Itold you, you have no idea what it’s been like for me.Allit does is make me feel more isolated and lonely.”

“Iwant you.”

Sheshakes her head. “Howcould you?”

Itake her wrists and guide her hands behind her back so she will unfasten her skirt.

“Pleaseshow me.Allof you.”

Iclock every minuscule movement she makes as she unzips her skirt and pushes it over her perfectly round protruding belly.Herskin flushes.Isshe embarrassed?Hookingmy fingers in her panties,Iinch them down her legs and guide her to step out of them.


“I’msorry thatI’mnot beautiful anymore.”

Itake her hands and press her palms to my face asIlook up from whereI’mkneeling at her feet. “Youare fucking gorgeous.”Ilean down and kiss her thigh causing her to shiver. “Ididn’t know pregnant women could be so…”Ikiss along her hip. “…sexy.”

“Don’ttease me like this.Please.Youdon’t know how much…”

Ilift her leg and place it on my shoulder, pressing my lips to her pussy before she can say another word.Herfingers grasp my hair.Swearwords slip from her lips as my fingers pull apart her swollen flesh and lick along the center of her body.Sherides against my face whileIeat her pussy like it’s my last meal.

Ihave missed her body so much.Missedbeing intimate with her.Now, with her swollen belly, and breasts that are leaking milk,I’mclose to coming in my pants.

I’venever looked at a pregnant woman.Ithas never even occurred to me, butRachelhas had me twisted in knots with desire.EverySunday,Isit behind her trying to ignore the way my body reacts to seeing her.Thoughtsof her fertile body, creating life and sustenance, is a heady feeling.Somethingprimal in me wishes it were my baby, to the point thatIfeel jealousy, even a little angry, that she’s carrying someone else’s child.

Herlegs tremble asIsuckle her hard clit.

“Evan!Ican’t…I’mgoing to fall.”

Ipull away and set her foot back on the floor before my lips trail kisses up her body.WhenImake it to my feet,Ikiss her pretty mouth asIlay her back on the bed.It’sdifferent having her belly between us.Thepervert in me wants to rub my cock against it.

“FuckRachel,I’mhaving the dirtiest thoughts about your body.”

“Ineed you!”Shesays it quietly as if she’s unsure if it is okay to voice her needs.

Ikiss down her neck and take one of her hard nipples in my mouth.Hernipples taste sweet, so damn sweet.Godhelp me becauseIthinkI’vefoundHeaven.

Herhands are tearing at my shirt.Theneed to be inside her is overwhelming, soIrise up and hastily strip off my clothes.Mycock is throbbing with need and pain.Ipush her thighs wide but stop short whenIrealize the mechanics are not going to work like they used to.Iwon’t be able to kiss her this way.

“Wait!” she says.Rachellabors to get off the bed, turns, and bends over the mattress.Reachingback, she spreads her cheeks apart.Thisis the side ofRachelthat she has only whispered about in the dark of night as we held each other.Theone who likes to play dirty, puts herself on display, and begs for more. “Pleasefuck me hard,Evan!Reallyhard.”

Herwords make me want to hold her to the bed and take what she is so freely giving.Myhand smoothes over her back. “Idon’t want to hurt you.”

“Youcan’t hurt me.Ineed this!Don’thold back.”

Ihesitate for a moment, unsure if this is safe.Sherolls her hips, andIwatch as sweet honey drips from her pussy.

“Fuckinghell!”Iswear asIthrow her hands to the bed, align my dick and slam into her.

Shecries out, andIgrunt as her core clutches me like a vice.