Page 50 of Unravel

“Why?What’sgoing on?”

“Nothing, but you should be here with your family.You’reback to spending every weekend over atLuke’s.We’vetalked about this before.SurelyRachelis sick of having the two of you interrupting her quietSundays.”

Ilean back in my chair.Momis eyeing me carefully.It’sa nonverbal standoff. “Wedon’t botherRachel.Lukelives in the loft now, remember.”

“Thatpoor woman, pregnant and about to raise a baby without a father.”

“Youmake it sound like a death sentence,”Dadsays.

“Whatwould you know about raising children on your own?Iwas the one that took care of them while you worked.”

Dadrolls his eyes at me.Ihave to suppress a laugh.

“She’sdue soon, isn’t she?It’snot fair that she’s maintained her looks through all this.Ihate those types of women who seem to be made to carry babies while the rest of us had to suffer, but thenIkeep forgetting how young she actually is.Bettysaid she thinks she’s still in her twenties.”

Thecolor leavesEmber’scheeks.Itake her hand under the table, and she squeezes extra tight.Thisis one of the topics that usually ends inMommaking veiled references toEmber’ssituation.Howshe manages to hold her tongue, no matter what my parents say, is beyond me.She’sjust waiting for this subject to get turned on her, andIhate that she has to worry about that.

“Sheis, andIthink the baby is due sometime inMarch.”Iactually know thatRachelis twenty-eight as ofDecember26thlast year.It’seasy to remember since she’s ten years older than me.Ialso know thatOlivia’sdue date isMarch20th, butI’mnot going to giveMomthe pleasure of having that information.

“Wyattnever should have married a girl so young.Evenwithout him here, it’s caused nothing but trouble.”

“Don’ttalk about her andLukethat way.”

Momwhips her head around and looks at me with wide eyes.

“Apologizeto your mother,”Dadadvises coolly.

“It’snot right to gossip about them like everyone does.”Itug atEmber’shand asIget up from the table. “I’mgoing to stay withLukewheneverIwant.”

“Thomas!Doyou hear how your son is talking to me?”

Emberducks around me to take our plates to the sink behindMom.

“Evan,” he starts.

WhenEmberslips behind me,Iautomatically put my arm back to shield her.

“I’meighteen now, and in a couple of months,I’llbe gone.Iintend to spend as much time withLukeas possible.”


Dadraises his hand ever so slightly off the table. “Youand your sister get ready for church.I’llhelp your mom clean up.”

I’munsure why he’s giving me a hall pass, butIgladly take it and leadEmberup the stairs in front of me.

“Areyou out of your freaking mind?”Emberasks once we reach the top of the stairs.


“Ican’t believe you got away with that!”

“Whatare they going to do?Throwme out just months beforeImove toChicago?”

Emberfrowns as she does every time my plans are mentioned.Iruffle her hair with my palm. “You’regoing to have to learn to stand up for yourself too, you know.”

“Theywould kill me ifIdisobeyed them like that!”

“They’renot going to kill you,Spark!Ihate leaving you here alone, butI’llalways be a phone call or a text away.Promiseyou’ll defend yourself whenMomrails you over stuff.”