Page 47 of Unravel

Hekisses the top of my head. “Theyreally went overboard, didn’t they?”

Ipress my face against his shoulder, in an attempt to hide my blubbering.

“It’sjust overwhelming.That’sall,” he says softly. “TheysaidIcould take you home.Ithink you need to take it easy today.”

Myfingers dig into his ribs, afraid he’s going to let me go.Weshouldn’t be hugging like this.Anyonecould walk in and see that there is more between us than there should be.Kimis probably guarding the door like a pit bull.

Imelt against him, milking this moment for everything it’s worth.Mytears are only partially related to my pregnancy.I’mstill grieving the end of our affair, especially when he’s acting like the oldLukebeforeIbroke his heart.

“Isthere anythingIcan do?” he asks as his fingers slide up my neck and into my hair.


Helets out a tight breath.


“Rachel…” his voice wavers, butIcan see the heat in his eyes.

“Here.Now.Whereit’s safe, and we can’t lose control.Ineed you so much.”

“Youask too much,” he barely whispers with a broken voice.


Hisfingers tighten in my hair, and with a quick movement, he twists my torso, dipping my body back.Helicks my lips and slides his lips over mine.Histongue urgently seeks mine, and when they meet, we twist them together.

Theentire world falls away.

Holdingon for dear life,Iclench his shirt in my fists, afraidImight fall without him to anchor me.Whenhis large hand slides down my body and presses my hip against his erection,Ilet out a moan.

Everythingis suddenly just as it was as if we haven’t spent months avoiding one another, keeping our conversations average and plain.Wehave carefully tucked ourselves away to wear masks that we outgrew the instant we admitted we had feelings for one another.Theway he is kissing me expresses just how much he still wants me.Iwant to cast the world aside and spend the rest of my life making up for our lost time together.

Hegrowls and jerks his mouth away from mine, shifting my body to stand on my own two feet again. “Fuckinghell,Rachel!”

Hisforehead drops against mine.Hisheavy breath comes out in puffs against my mouth.

“I’msorry,”Itell him.

Hewon’t look at me, keeping his eyes tightly shut.Ican’t blame him, if he does,I’llbreak in two.

“I’mnot.Iwant you so fucking much,” he growls as if he is in pain.

Thenhave me!

Oliviakicks, reminding me what can’t be.Itimmediately cools the heat of desire between us.Hissoft breath blows over my lips.

“Shedoesn’t approve.”

“She’lllove us no matter how we define our love for each other,Luke.Alldoesn’t have to be lost.”

Hetakes a step back and wipes my kiss from his lips.Theregret in that action stabs my heart. “Gosay goodbye to your friends.I’llget this stuff loaded.”

Chillsspill over me at the coldness in his voice, and the distance he forces between us. “I’llsendSamanthain here to help you.Nothingwould please her more.”Ithrow open the door, feeling jealous and slighted.

“I’mfollowing you home, so don’t you dare leave without me.”

Hemakes me feel like a child, and it sounds so much likeWyatt,Icringe.Kimcatches my eye.Hergaze is zeroed in on me.Iknew she’d keep watch.Iknow she also can read me like a damn book.AtleastIcan lean on her whenIcome into work a broken mess.Sheraises an eyebrow in question, andInod to let her knowI’mokay.Asokay asI’llever be again,Isuppose.