“Itwas my idea to have you sign up for an extra shift just for the party,”Reginabrags.
Inarrow my eyes at her. “Thanksfor that.Ifyou knew how fucking tiredIam, you would feel bad about doing that to me.”
Shejust shrugs and laughs.
“Don’tworry.Icalled that handsome stepson of yours to come and help haul away all the loot,”Samanthasays.
Shenods while everyone begins cleaning up from the party.ThisisMaryandRegina’slunch break, but the others had someone cover for them for an hour.Itruly can’t believe the effort they put into this surprise baby shower.Ihave no idea who decorated the break room with streamers, pink heart-shaped balloons, and rubber duckies that are perched on every flat surface.ItisValentine’sDay, so at first,Ithought that was the reason for all the decorations.Kimsuggested the date to keep me distracted from the romantic intentions of the holiday, considering the state of my love life.
“Wouldn’tmiss an opportunity to talk to that hot little morsel!”
“What?It’sthe truth.Heisan adult now.Meanshe’s fair game!”
I’min her face instantly. “Donot talk aboutLukethat way!”
Shelaughs at first, but when she figures out thatI’mnot joking, she frowns. “Damngirl!Ididn’t mean anything by it.”
Kimgently pulls me back. “Assoon asLukegets here,Iwant you to go home and rest.You’retoo emotional, even for being eight months pregnant.”
Samanthawaves her hand in the air, dismissing me, and starts cleaning up the food.
“Youcan’t lose your mind like that every time someone mentions his name,”Kimwhispers.
“Butyou heard what she was implying!”
Kimpulls me closer. “She’sfull of shit.Youknow that.”Sheraises her eyebrows. “He’syour stepson.It’sbest you remember that.”
Kimknows aboutLukeandEvan.Allof it.She’sright, butIcan’t help it.Iam possessive of them.Thatwill never change.
“Speakof the devil.Hey, sugar!”Samanthacoos asLukelightly knocks on the mostly open door.KimgivesSamanthaa stern look, making her back off enough to keep me from going insane.
“Isit safe?” he asks.
Samantha’scomment is irrelevant when all my coworkers rush to hug and teaseLukeabout his handsome looks and golden curls.Sadnessreplaces my tearful joy asIlong to rush into his arms and kiss those lips that have given me the greatest of pleasures.
“Youknew about this?”Iask.
Hissmile is crooked and smug. “Maybe.”Heapproaches me carefully. “TheysaidIwould need to bring theEscalade.”
Glancingover my shoulder,Ilaugh. “They’renot wrong.”
“Damn!” he remarks as he rubs his chin with his thumb.Iswear there is a collective sigh in the room.Hedoesn’t notice though.Hehas no idea that he is sex on two extremely long, well-built legs.
“Youdoing okay?”Hissoft voice breaks me out of my thoughts.
Motherfucker!Istart crying whenIlook into his concerned eyes. “Theydid too much.”
“Hey!” he soothes as he wraps me into his embrace.
“Comeon, ladies.Wecan clean up this mess later.Let’sleaveRachelto cry in peace.”Kimsays as she quickly ushers everyone out of the break room.
Whenthe door eases shut,Irelax and hug him back more intimately.Hishands slide along my body comforting me. “What’sgot you so upset, little peach?”
“Ican’t believe they did all this.Meanwhile,I’ma hot mess!Ican’t stop crying.”