Page 42 of Unravel

“No.I’vegot time.”

“Notmuch,” he clips.Cold, isolatedLukeis back.Hecan’t be vulnerable withRachel.Itwould break him.I’mthankful for what he gives me—thatI’mstill his safe place.

Itake the pitcher of lemonade from the refrigerator as well asRachel’sglass from her hand. “I’llget that.”

Shereleases the glass and picks up the bowl of cherries before making herself comfortable at the table.



Weslip into a comfortable and familiar moment.Lukefinishes dinner, andIset the table.Theentire timeRachelsnacks on cherries.Shehas changed into pajamas that flare out around her belly and fluffy slippers.

“Haveyou felt her kicking?”IaskLukeas he plates our food.


“Hedoesn’t touch me often.Ithink it freaks him out,”Rachelattempts to tease.

“Itdoesn’t freak me out.Idon’t like invading your space.”

Truthfully, it’s too intimate for him.Thelook he gives me verifies that.

“Ihave an appointment tomorrow.”

“Doyou need me to come?”Iask.

“Nonsense.You’vegot school,”Lukesays. “I’mgoing with her.”

“Helikes to see the ultrasound,” she says as she dives into her food.

“Lucky.Iwould like to see it too.”

“Itlooks like a blob of static anyway.”

He’slying.Reachingback into his pocket, he retrieves his wallet and fishes out a thin piece of paper.Whenhe lays it in front of me,Isquint my eyes trying to make something of the black-and-gray image.

“Howcan you make heads or tails of that?”Iask.

Hepoints to a smaller blob. “That’sher head, doofus!Seeher hand?She’ssucking her thumb.”Forthe first time,Isee that he already loves this baby, regardless of how much he tries to be aloof.

Asthe tiny form begins to reveal itself, my heart softens. “Wow!Isthat the bones of her leg?”

“Yep!”Rachelchirps. “Isn’tshe beautiful?”

Pickingup the image,Ifind myself smiling. “Sheis.Haveyou picked a name yet?”Iask.

“She’snot telling.”Lukesounds disgruntled, which is kind of adorable.Heplucks the image from my fingers and carefully places it back in his wallet.

Rachelshrugs. “I’mnot sure how you’ll react.Ilove her name.Ijust don’t want anyone to ruin it.”

“I’dnever ruin it.Youknow that.Wouldbe nice to refer to her as something other than ‘the baby’,” he states.

Finally,Istart eating and am blown away by how good the chicken, rice, and veggies taste.Theyboth like spicy food, and it is such a welcome change fromMom’scooking.

Rachelplaces her fork down carefully.Weboth watch her as if something is about to be revealed.

“OliviaJeanetteGarrett,” she tells us softly.Luke’sshoulders fall, and he slides his hand over his heart. “Iwanted to name her after both our mothers.”Rachelslides her hand overLuke’sthat’s resting on the table. “Ihope you don’t mind.”