Oncein my bedroom, he swings the door shut and starts shedding his coat, his boots, his belt, and tie.
“You’refucking gorgeous.”Heplants his hands on his hips. “IassumeI’msupposed to be turned off by your pregnancy but…”
Ipress my fingers to his lips. “Don’t!Please.I’mnot in a state to handle what you’re about to say.”
Hishands rush over my contours, brushing the sides of my ever-growing breasts, and around to the zipper running down my spine. “Iwant to see you,Rachel.Ineed to taste your skin…Iwant to know you this way.”
Myzipper is halfway down my back whenIstep away, shaking my head. “Evan, remember me whenIwas beautiful, not like this.”
Hegrits his teeth and runs his hands over his face, growling under his breath. “You’reamazing, and so damn sexy thatI’mhard as steel for you.Don’tfor a second try and convince me that you’re not the only womanIwant.”
Herubs his hand down the bulge in his slacks, andIalmost cave.Ialmost fall to my knees and devour him whole. “Youshould leave.Thisisn’t wise.”
Insteadof leaving, he climbs on the bed, stretches out, and pats the mattress. “I’llbehave, just don’t make me leave.”
Istand there, indecisive and needy.Istare at the bulge in his pants for a moment or two, wishing and wanting.
Therewere many reasonsIended our relationship.Ido need to focus on this baby, and figuring out how to be a mom, butIam so damn lonely in this house.Ireach back and finish unzipping my dress whileIconsider everything as if it’s suddenly going to make sense.Heis going to leave in a few months.Hewill find someone to love more than me.Hewill change so damn much.Itpains me becauseIdon’t want him to change.
“Takeoff your shirt,Evan.”
Mydress drops to the floor.Slowlyhe unbuttons his shirt, and once it’s open,Islide onto his body and press my cheek to his chest.Hisskin is warm.Fuckhe smells good, everythingIremember and more.Slidingmy hand along his ribs,Ipress as close asIcan, wishingIcould feel his erection.I’mall stomach these days, and right now it feels like a barrier between him and me.Hegrabs my hand and moves it over his cock.
“Ilied.Justlet me feel your touch,” he says with a gravelly voice.
Itouch him, squeeze, and caress until he groans. “Wecan’t do this.”
“Iknow,” he agrees as he tilts my face up and crushes his lips against mine.
Hiskiss blazes through my core like fire through gasoline.Everymemory of how he felt inside of me taunts me.Ihaven’t come in so long.Ibegin to feel desperate.HowcanIwant anything other than their touch?
Ourkiss softens, andEvanpulls my hand up to his chest. “Rest.I’mnot leaving you.”
Igrieve as the passion wanes, but sink into his strong arms.Hehas matured so much.Afew months ago, he never would have resisted the fire between us.Selfishly,Ireposition myself and slide my thigh over his hard cock.Hiships lift slightly before he wraps his fingers behind my knee and shifts to rub against me.
“Youfeel so good,”Iconfess.
“Sodo you,Siren.Sofucking good.”
Despitethe heat between us, our bodies relax, andImelt into him asIlet myself fall asleep.
* * *
Thesmell of food wakes me.It’sdusk, later thanIexpected, butRachelis still in my arms.Itake in a breath to fill my lungs after sleeping.
“He’smaking dinner,” she whispers.
“Willhe be mad thatI’mhere?”
“Idoubt he would be making dinner if that were the case.”
Sheis right.Itisn’t as if he missed seeing my truck parked behind the house. “Didyou sleep okay?”
Rachelsnuggles closer. “BetterthanIhave in a long time.Thankyou.”
Ikiss her hair and caress her back. “Anytime.I’llcome more often if you’ll let me.”