Page 3 of Unravel

“Ilove you both so much, but…”

“Butwhat?”Iask.Something'sgot to give.Ican’t take any more threats to our relationship.

“I’m…I’m…”Sheis crying so hard that she barely manages to get her words out.WhenLukereaches out to touch her, she turns away. “I’mpregnant, and it’sWyatt’sbaby.”

Anawful, sick feeling washes over me as if all my blood is draining onto the floor.Atfirst, her words don’t register.Theysound like another language, loud and confusing.


“That’swhyIfainted.”Shesniffles and moves her hand over her belly. “I’malmost three months along.”

Lukeis looking at her like he just saw a ghost.Withvapid eyes, he stares into nothing, butIsee a slight tick in his jaw.Hestands, pushing the chair back, and staggers out of the kitchen.Iremain on the floor, dumbfounded.Rachelputs her arms around my shoulders and buries her face against my neck.Itry to swallow, but my mouth is too dry.


Ilook down the contours of her body.Shecan’t be.Wouldn’twe have been able to tell?Wouldn’tshe have had morning sickness or something?

Imanage to place my hand on her back and caress her gently.Ishould be consoling her, butIdon’t have it in me.Mybody is weighted to the floor and threatening to pull me under.

Shesaid it isWyatt’s?Noneof this makes any sense…none at all!Howcan this be happening?

Feelinga sudden panic forLuke,Iglance toward the hallway.Howin the hell is he going to survive this?Imean,Ihave always knownIwould leave, but notLuke.Heis supposed to love her untilIcan return.They’resupposed to wait for me.Hell,Ididn’t even know that is whatIwanted to do, come back here, just to be with them.Isuppose it takes a tragic event to make you realize what your true feelings are, enough to want to fight for them.

Therealization doesn’t ease the feeling thatIhave been speared in the chest, and a gaping hole is opening up.

“It’sall over,”Imumble. “Isn’tit?”

Sheclenches my collar in her fist. “I’msorry,Evan.I’mso sorry.”

Iclose my eyes in an attempt to rein in my thoughts and feelings, which are scattered like blood from a gunshot wound.

“I’mnot leaving you,”Iblurt out.Forthe first time,Irealize the truth of my declaration. “Idon’t care if you’re pregnant with his baby.Ijust want to be with you.”

“We’renot going to survive this.”

Finally,Ifind the strength to embrace her tightly. “Youdon’t know that.Luke…he just needs time to think.Heloves you.Thisisn’t going to change his love for you.”

Shemoves away, bracing her hands on my chest.Herlovely eyes are red and full of tears.

“Don’tcry anymore,”Ibeg asIattempt to wipe all the tears from her face.

Herchin trembles as even more tears spill out. “Goto him,Evan.Gotake care ofLuke.Heneeds you.”

Igrasp her hand and hold it to my lips. “Whatabout you?Youneed me too, don’t you?”

Loweringher head, she hides her eyes from me as she tucks herself under my chin.

“Ido, butI’llbe okay.I’vehad some time to come to terms with this, but right nowLukeis in shock and hurting.Pleasego to him, stay with him.”

“Idon’t want to leave you,Rachel.Can’tyou come with me?”

Sheshakes her head. “Hedoesn’t need me right now.Heneeds time, andIneed to give it to him.”

Asshe slips off my lap to stand, cold air envelops me.WhenIlook up, she leans down and gives me a soft kiss.Iclutch the hem of her dress, but she takes my hand making me release it.

“Ido love you,Evan.”

Ikiss her fingers. “Ilove you too.”