Hiswords break me all over again.Sothis is my fate, as it always has been, and always will be.
Heatand a feeling of being underneath something heavy, pull me from what feels like the deepest sleep of my life.Itis pitch dark with the sound of pattering raindrops surrounding me.Iblink several times, but my eyes can’t make out anything.Agrumble vibrates my chest, but it’s not my voice.Hesitantly,Iplace my hand on the weight lying on me.Myfingers are met with warm skin, and asImove them along the gentle curve of whatIdecide is a shoulder, they slide into soft curls.Mystomach does a weird flip asIeaseLukecloser.Iknow exactly whereIam, and the events of yesterday overwhelm me and awaken that dark need thatIcan’t seem to control.
NevercouldIhave imaginedLukecould feel so heavy.Iindulge in the fact that he is sleeping on top of me.Myskin prickles with awareness of his naked body against mine.Asmy dirty thoughts spiral out of control, my fingers fist his hair.Helets out a groan and my dick responds with interest.
“Isit raining?”Hesounds drunk with sleep.
Herises over me, butIcan’t see him.Theloss of his weight leaves me feeling lost.
“Darkas fuck out here, isn’t it?”Hisfingers fumble over my features.Iclose my eyes as they roam blindly over my eyes and lips. “Youokay?”
Herolls away. “Fuck, my ribs hurt.Idon’t even remember falling asleep.”Hetakes a long breath and settles next to me. “TruthisIhaven’t slept well sinceIgot here.”
“Maybeyou just needed me here.”Myvoice sounds likeI’vebeen gargling brass tacks.
Hisbreath skirts across my cheek. “Idid.”Hishand takes mine, and our fingers interlace.
Istare at the darkness above, imagining the rain dripping down the fabric of the tent. “Ikeep thinkingIshould find out what time it is, butIdon’t want to know,”Isay to fill the space between us.
“Meeither.IwishIcould stay here forever, suspended in time and space.I’mnot sure how long it will take me to feel as ifI’mready to face the world.”
Rollingto my side,Irest my head next to his shoulder.Itis a tempting thought but a frightening one. “I’mafraid to be suspended in time and space.”
Helets go of my hand and threads his fingers through my hair. “Don’tbe.”
Witha start, he sits up and coughs.Itis strained and causes him to groan in pain.
“Areyou okay?”Ireach out to touch him, but my fingers barely graze his back.
“Yeah, just sore from whereUncleCharliekicked me.Lyingon my ribs makes it worse.”
“Shit,Luke!”Isit up, sliding a hand around his waist.Myfingers find his hand cradling his midsection. “Ididn’t know he kicked you!Whydidn’t you tell me, or at leastRachel?”
Hisfingers slip from underneath mine. “Wouldit have mattered?Besides,I’llget over it—the physical pain anyway.”
“Imean, maybe she could have done something.Doyou think he broke a rib?”
“Wouldn’tmatter if he did, there isn’t anything that can be done for that.Figuredyou’d seen the bruises.”
“Iwas distracted.”Ismile with the memory, but the humor feels lost between us.
Ilay my head on his back.Hisfingers immediately rake through my hair.
“I’llbe alright.Iamalright, little brother.”
Buthe’s not, and nowIget the feeling my reaction to him last night has made things worse for him.Ikiss his skin and allow my fingers to creep lower.
“Ilike this too much,Luke.Howcan this feel so…?”Ilet out a frustrated breath.