Page 2 of Unravel

“Thegood news is, the cut is shallow.Youdon’t need stitches.It’sgoing to leave a hell of a bruise though.”

Shemoves his hand to help him hold the ice pack over his eye.Sheis one hundred percent a nurse right now, not reacting in the least to the explosion rocking our relationship.Idon’t know how she isn’t freaking the fuck out right now.Shewalks past me to the sink and rinses the cloth stained withLuke’sblood, before returning to her task of cleaning him up.

Asshe kneels in front ofLukeand lifts his foot, he trails his knuckles across her cheek.Hisfoot falls to rest in her lap, and her shoulders start to shake.

“Thisis all my fault.I’mso sorry,” she mutters, crying.

“Hey, shh…no babe, this isn’t anyone’s fault.Comehere,”Lukeimplores her.

Sheleans against his thigh, and he kisses her hair.Idrop to my knees and wrap my arms around her from behind.Shesits back onto my lap asLukecurls his body over us.

“Whatdo you think he’s going to do?” she asks.

“Iknow one thing.He'snever coming back.Hemade that abundantly clear.Hehas washed his hands of us.We’reno longer family to him.”

Luke’swords aren’t as comforting as he intends.WhileItrust him,Idon’t trust his uncle.Thereis no wayLukecan be sure he won’t tell someone.

Hepulls us closer, sheltering us from reality. “I’llprotect you both.Ipromise.”

GodhowIwant to believe him.IwishIcould trust in him to make all of the ‘what ifs' dissipate, but he can’t keep this promise.Deepdown,Ithink we all knew we couldn’t keep this a secret forever.Butwhy so soon?Whycouldn’t we have more time to be together?

SuddenlyRachelbursts into sobs.Isqueeze her closer.Lukelays the ice pack on the table and wraps his arms around her head.

“He’snot coming back, babe.Iwould never let him hurt either of you or destroy our love for each other.”

Ilay my head against her shoulder.

“Iwon’t let him near either of you,”Itell them.Imean it too.Iwill do everything in my power to keep him out of their lives.

Luke’sfingers nestle into my hair.Iclose my eyes, soaking up the intimacy.Maybewe can still hold this all together.

“Isuppose it was always meant to fall apart at some point,” she sobs.

Facedwith the truth, neitherLukenorI, have a response.

“EvenifCharliehadn’t found us, everything was going to change tonight anyway.”

Iglance up atLukeand find he has the same confused expression on his face asIdo.Liftingmy head from her shoulder,Iwipe the tears from her cheek.

“Itwas perfect until he arrived.Thisweekend was going to be perfect,”Itell her.

Luke’sfingers comb her hair away from her face. “Itstill can be.Wewon’t let him ruin what we have.”

Forsome reason, our words only make her sadder.Sheturns her face toLuke’sjean-covered thigh and weeps, unconsoled by our assurances.

“What’swrong?”Iask because something isn’t right, even more so than what happened withCharlie.

“Comeon, little peach.LetEvanandItake care of you.Wewill shower and stay in bed the rest of the evening.”

“Ican’t,” she sobs.

“Surewe can,”Lukesoothes.

“There’smore!” she declares.

“No,”Lukeconsoles her. “There’snothing more he can do.”

Shepushes away from him and throws my arms off her.Shelooks at both of us as tears stream down her face.Thelook on her face is scaring the shit out of me.