Page 116 of Unravel

“Hisdad said he couldn’t wait to leave.Fuck,Rachel!HowcouldIhave hurt him so bad that he wouldn’t even tell me he was leaving?”

“Maybeit was my fault for breaking the engagement.”

Lukerolls his forehead against mine. “No…he loves you so much.”

“Notenough to tell me he was leaving.”

Lukeblinks several times and locks his gaze on me. “Howcould he hurt you this way?I’msorry.I’mbeing selfish.Ijust feel so gutted.”

Iwrap my hands around his neck and rub his throat with my thumbs.Weknew this was coming, but not like this! “Heknows we love him, right?”

Helets out a heavy sigh and takes in a stilted breath. “Idon’t know.Heshould.We’vealways shared our feelings with him.Iwanted him so much that night,Rachel.Iwas so hard for him, so desperately in need of him.Itold himIloved him.Howcould he not know?”

Myheart finally breaks open, not for my own loss, but forLuke’s.Heis so wounded.Hehas done everything in his power to love us while still protecting us.HowdidEvanandIthank him?Wekept our relationship going without him.Iknew!Iknew it wasn’t right, yetIcontinued for my own selfish reasons.Now, look at what we have done!

Imove my hands up to cradle his swollen and splotchy red face.Myeyes fall closed asIlean up and press my lips to his.They’resalty and full.Hisonly reaction is the twitching of his hands.Hedoesn’t tense or relax, soIsuck on his lower lip.Hishands slide to my shoulders, gripping them.Iknow he’s going to push me away, soIdeepen the kiss.Histentative tongue lightly touches the tip of mine.

“Kissme!”Iplead against his lips.


“Shh, there is no wrong in comforting each other.Letme…”WhatdoIsay?HowdoItell him how muchIneed him to need me?

Hisentire body tenses, tighter and tighter, trying to hold himself back likeIam some sort of poisonous trap.MaybeIam.Maybethat is why all the men in my life leave.

Luke’smouth crashes against mine with a hungry, desperate kiss, taking my breath away.Islide my hands down his chest and grip his ribs.Hisbreathing becomes rapid as my heart runs away from me.Desirerushes through my body, diluting the pain and rejection left inEvan’swake.

“Rachel?”He’sasking so much with my name, wanting permission, wanting a promise that it won’t destroy the love between the three of us.

ButIdon’t know.AllIknow is right now, we are all the other has.Ourlover has left us broken, and deep down we know we’re both to blame.

* * *


Hertouch is a balm, and somethingIhave missed exponentially.Nowafter kissing her,IfearI’lldie ifIcan’t have her.Everythingabout her, from her scent to the warmth of her skin calls to me.Evanis right.Sheis aSiren.HowcouldIhave resisted her so long?

Liftingher shirt,Istop myself beforeIuncover her breasts.Sheisn’t wearing a bra, andIrealize how vulnerableI’mabout to make her.

“Isthis okay?”Iask, barely letting her lips free of mine.

Shepresses her body against mine as her fingers wind around my curls, tugging them.

“Yes,Ineed you.”

Herdesperation mirrors my own as does the pain in her voice.Herconsent is the last thing holding me back becauseIneed her too.

Iyank off her top, and her hair falls to her naked shoulders.

“Ifucking miss your long hair, little peach.”


Ishove my nose underneath it and kiss and nip at her neck. “Don’tever fucking cut it short again.”

Witha gasp she uses my shoulders for leverage to pull her chest up, inviting me, wanting me.Ikiss down her body and take her nipple in my mouth.Withone hand,Iwork to free my cock.

Hersweet moans of pleasure are going to save me tonight.