“You don’t need to leave with me. I’m having a good time, but I don’t want to rush you into anything,” Brian assures me, and I try not to roll my eyes.No chance of that, buddy.“You don’t strike me as that woman.”
“That’s true,” I verify, and he smiles. “Well, I should probably get home.” He leans in again, and this time it’s just annoying. I shake my head and take a step back. I take out my phone to order a car when I hear someone familiar.
“What the hell? Lily?” I cringe when I hear Eric’s voice and look to my right. “What are you doing here?”
“It’s a bar and club. What do you think?” I ask, seeing Thomas behind him. “Did you follow me?”
“We just left the place next door with a friend,” Thomas tells me, a steel look in his eyes as he gestures to the woman behind them. “You’re here alone?”
“I came with Olivia, but she left a while ago. Look. There’s my Uber…” I point. Brian is still beside me, so I offer him a falsely apologetic smile. “Sorry, big brother,” I say as a way of explaining what’s going on.
“It’s cool. Have a safe drive home,” he tells me, glancing behind.
I nod and walk to the SUV as Eric follows me.
“We can take you home, Lily.”
“I’m sure you’ve been drinking, Eric. I have a ride.” I reach for the door of the car, feeling embarrassed. “Why do you treat me like I’m five?”
I slip into the back seat, telling the driver to go, leaving my brother and Thomas behind. There will be a phone call and a fight later, but for the moment, enough is enough.
Out On The Town - Thomas
IwatchedLilydriveaway in the car, feeling a wave of emotions wash through me. Worry is first—and it’s strong—and then there’s rage at the idea of someone else dancing with her. Touching her. Eric’s attitude comes from being overprotective, but it’s more than that with me, and I’m not ready to admit it.
The man who tried to kiss her walks away, and we both glare at him for a moment.
“Maybe I prefer her living in Colorado,” Eric mutters as we walk to the curb where my driver is waiting. I don’t use James all the time, but when I’m drinking, it’s a must.
“Are you guys good?” Laura asks with a hint of amusement in her voice once we’re driving down the road. “That was your sister, right?”
“Yeah,” Eric barks back, and she rolls her eyes. “I’m fine—just surprised. I didn’t know she’d be out tonight.”
I know it ruined his night with Laura, but that’s probably better. We both work in the morning. We drop her off first, and I look at Eric.
“You should let her grow up,” I tell him, reminding myself she can make her own choices. I get out of the car and walk up to my door, pausing when I see a woman on the front step.
“Hillary? What are you doing here?” I ask, staring at my ex—if you can call her that after our short disaster of a relationship a few months ago.
“I’m back in town and I thought we could catch up,” she tells me, standing from the patio chair to reveal tight jeans and a low-cut sweater, a view I used to appreciate. Now, the sight sparks nothing in me.
“It’s two in the morning. I have to get some sleep for work,” I tell her, pushing past her to get to my door.
“I thought I could stay here tonight.” I turn to stare at her in surprise. “I don’t have a hotel room.”
“Get one.” I unlock my door and walk inside, closing it hard. There’s not a chance in hell she’s staying here because, knowing Hillary, she’ll try to move in. This is the last thing I need, and I set the alarm before heading to my fridge for water.
I hooked up with Hillary in a weak moment, and she attached herself to me, even though I explained I wasn’t looking for anything serious. Things got uglier than I would have liked, but it ended cleanly—or so I thought.
I walk upstairs to my room, stripping out of my clothes for bed. I still see Lily with that man in my head when I close my eyes, and it doesn’t go away. She has every right to do whatever she wants, I keep telling myself, but I want to be the one going out dancing with her. I want to do a lot more than that. After Eric’s reaction tonight, I know he’d lose his mind if he caught us together. The guy was lucky he walked away.
I set my alarm for work the following day and slipped under the covers. It already looked like tomorrow might be a long day.
I call Eric in the morning and tell him about Hillary showing up at my door, and he’s as surprised as I am.
“She’s back for more? You guys ended badly,” he reminds me, and I sigh.