I can’t believe I slept with him. Even worse, I want to do it again.

I decide to focus on the job and not on Thomas. Everyone there is a lot of fun, and the job keeps me busy. I’m looking for something in my field, but this is a great salary, and working with this front desk staff keeps me laughing. I can do some freelance design during my downtime and make some more money.

On the following weekend, Eric invited me to join them for breakfast before my shift and I had to say yes. I have no reason to decline and besides, it’s free. I make the best of things, sitting beside Thomas as though everything is normal. I give him a hard time, making sarcastic remarks and teasing him and but that’s how we are, or how we used to be. I don’t know anymore.

A server approaches the table to say hi to the guys with a flirty smile. She’s focused on Thomas, but he seems to brush her off. Eric jumps in, and I feel queasy when my brother makes a remark hinting that Thomas slept with her in the past.

That’s after Eric told me I can’t date anybody at the hotel, or probably ever. That’s what he prefers, but he has no idea what I’ve done with anyone, particularly Thomas. It’s not like he’s the only man I’ve slept with before and after, but it’s a small number.

Nobody made me feel like Thomas did, and I know that’s a curse for me.

I’m relieved when it’s time to leave for work. Being so close to Thomas gave me thoughts I don’t need. During my shift I let work distract me and after I make plans to go to dinner with one of the girls, Olivia. It’ll be fun and I’m starving. We decide on the seafood place. It’s everybody’s favorite.

We get seated and order dinner and drinks, and I chat with Olivia. We’re not close but I enjoy her company and have been thinking I should try to make friends with people.

I glance across the room and see Thomas sitting with a redhead. My brother is across the table from them. The woman is as beautiful as the server and seems to know Thomas well. It’s more proof that Thomas sleeps with a lot of women. I was probably just one in a line of many who didn’t mean anything. I should move on. And I have. Haven’t I?

I try to enjoy dinner and not pay attention to the three of them across the restaurant. When Olivia suggests going to a bar, I agree on a whim. Seeing Thomas with the woman made me agree faster. I need to meet new people and move on. I watch him hug the woman and I feel dread in my stomach. Olivia and I decide to head home and get ready so we can meet up at the club.

I head home and stand in front of my closet, staring at the clothes. There is a lot to choose from, and I call Ally for advice, wincing when she squeals at the other end of the phone. She knows my clothes well, and we talk it through, and soon I have a pair of black faux leather leggings and heels with a fitted burnout T-shirt in a deep purple that brings out my eyes and goes well with red hair.

It’s a lot and I look in the mirror as she talks over the speaker.

“I know how good that looks on you. Don’t stress. Are you taking an Uber?” Ally asks me and I smile, missing her.

“I wish you were here. Olivia is great, but this feels weird!” I say and think about her question. “I think I will. It will be better so I can drink and not have to leave my car there.”

“Good. Let loose and have some fun. Meet a guy!” Ally urges before we end the call. I line my eyes with dark liner and lipstick that matches the shirt. I feel like I used to in high school as I look in the mirror, insecure and nervous. Now, I am in my own place, I’ve graduated from college, and have a job. I force a smile on my face.

I’ve got this.

I get a car to the bar that’s also a nightclub, looking around for Olivia. Her platinum blond hair is hard to miss, and I join her at the bar, ordering a cocktail as I look around. I missed a lot of this scene here at home being away at college, and I smile as I take it all in.

“You look so cute. Edgier than I’m used to,” Olivia tells me, looking at my outfit. She picked a little black dress and heels, and her blue eyes pop with her dark makeup. “Is this the real Lily?”

I laugh and we toast to the night.

She asks me about college and what Colorado was like and I describe my life there. It was a good one, and I’ll always think back fondly on it.

I explain my best friend still lives there but should visit soon and maybe we can take her out.

Look at me making a life here.

I don’t drink in excess, but enough to dance and let loose a bit. I have always loved to dance, and though it’s hard in heels, I manage without losing my balance. On the dance floor, I feel someone touch my back and turn to see a handsome, brunette man smiling at me.

“Can I dance with you?” he asks, and I glance at Olivia, noting the look in her eyes when she sees he has a friend.

“Sure,” I say reluctantly. I’m not great at this but jumping right in seems like a good way to figure it out.

I find out his name is Brian, and he’s here for business. Brian is a seller for a large sporting goods company and travels to different resorts to meet with clients, and Tahoe is one of his favorite places. I find out he’s single, or at least he tells me he is. Does it matter? I’m just going to hang out tonight and have no plans to take this further.

We get more drinks and I see that Olivia and the friend are getting close fast. I prefer to move slowly and ease into this, feeling a little lost without Ally. This is what normal people do, and I stir my drink, looking down for a second as I feel a moment of uncertainty.

“You’re beautiful, Lily,” Brian tells me, and I lift my gaze to his. He really is handsome, and I wish I wanted more from him—but I don’t.

“Thank you,” I tell him, trying not to seem too enthusiastic and give him the wrong idea, but he leans in anyway, and I duck my head. He looks humiliated, and I give him an apologetic wince.

We dance some more until Olivia leaves with Brian’s friend, and I watch them, wondering what happens now. I’m not feeling anything for this man, but I don’t know how to extract myself politely.