They’re all trying to be strong for me, but I can see the worry in their eyes. They know I’m hurting, still nursing my broken heart and the man responsible for my heartbreak is the same man I can’t seem to let go of.
As I watch them bustling around my house, a wave of gratitude washes over me. I’m lucky to have them, I realize. Even amid my heartbreak, I have a family who loves me, who supports me, and who’s there for me when I need them the most.
I walk over to my dresser and pull open the top drawer. I pick up the ring box and open it, the diamond catching the light and throwing sparkles across the room. It’s as beautiful as the day Thomas gave it to me, but it was never really mine, was it? Sure, he picked out something he knew I’d love. But it was always just a prop.
With a sigh, I close the box and turn to Eric. He looks up from the bed frame, a questioning look in his eyes. I walk over to him, the box clutched tightly in my hand.
“I need you to give this to Thomas,” I say, my voice hoarse. I hold out the box to him, my hand shaking slightly.
Eric looks at me for a moment, and his eyes fill with pity. Then, he reaches out and takes the box from me. “Are you sure?”
I nod, swallowing past the lump in my throat. “I need to let go, Eric,” I say, my voice stronger now. “And this is the first step.”
He nods, tucking the box into his pocket. “I’ll make sure he gets it,” he promises.
I thank him, my heart aching with the finality of it all. But I know it’s the right thing to do. It’s time for me to move on, to start a new chapter. As painful as it is, I know I have to do it without Thomas.
The morning of my flight to Colorado dawns bright and clear, the sun casting a golden glow over the Tahoe landscape. I take one last look at the house, now empty of all my belongings, and feel a pang of sadness. This wasn’t my home for very long, but I’d made it my sanctuary.
I hear a car pull up outside, and I know it’s Eric. Taking a deep breath, I grab my suitcase and head out the door. I’ve packed just enough to get me through the weekend until the movers bring everything else. Eric meets me at the door before I can make it out, a serious look on his face.
“Lily, wait,” he says, taking my arm gently. “There’s something you need to see.”
Confused, I let him lead me back inside. He sets his tablet on the kitchen counter and presses play on a video. It’s a news clip from a local station that aired that morning. I’m taken aback when I see Thomas on the screen.
He’s sitting in a studio, looking straight into the camera. He looks different, somehow. His usual confident demeanor is replaced by a vulnerability I’ve never seen before. He’s talking about the scandal, the fake engagement, and the arrest. He’s taking responsibility for his actions, not making any excuses.
And then, he starts talking to me.
“I know I messed up. I know I hurt you. And for that, I am truly sorry,” he says into the camera. His voice is choked with emotion. “Our relationship started as a lie, but somewhere along the way, it became real for me. I fell in love with you.”
I stare at the screen, my heart pounding in my chest. I can’t believe what I’m hearing. Thomas is admitting his feelings for me on live television. It’s more than I ever expected from him.
The video ends, and I turn to Eric, my mind reeling. “He…he said he loves me,” I whisper, still in shock.
Eric nods, his expression sympathetic but not giving away his opinion. I don’t know what to say, don’t know what to feel. All I know is that my life has just been turned upside down, once again. I stand there, staring at the blank screen. I wonder what this means for me, for Thomas, and the future we might still have together.
Eric watches me closely as I process what I’ve just seen. “What do you think?”
I take a moment to gather my thoughts. “I…I don’t know,” I admit, my voice shaky. “I mean, it’s a lot to take in.”
Eric nods, understanding. “Yeah, I can imagine.”
I glance back at the tablet, the image of Thomas’s earnest face still fresh in my mind. His words have ignited hope in me, a flutter of excitement at the thought of him still caring for me. But at the same time, I’m wary. I’ve been hurt before, and I’m not eager to put myself in that position again.
Still, I find myself smiling. “You know what, though?” I say, turning back to Eric. “It can’t hurt to give him a chance.”
Eric raises an eyebrow. “Really?”
I nod. “Yeah. I mean, he’s made a lot of mistakes, but…he’s also the first man I’ve ever truly loved. And if he’s willing to go to these lengths to apologize, then maybe…maybe there’s a chance for us.”
“But,” I add, holding up a finger, “he hasn’t actually said any of this to me. He’s said it to a camera, to an audience, but not to me. What if it’s just another façade, something for his image? If he wants a chance, he’s going to have to say it to my face.”
Eric grins at that. “That’s my sister,” he says, pride evident in his voice. “Don’t worry, Lil. I think he’s more than ready to do that.” He pauses. “Thomas wanted to see you. But I thought you should have the chance to watch the video first and decide whether you wanted to see him.”
My heart skips a beat. “He’s here?” I ask, my voice barely above a whisper.
Eric nods, pointing toward the window. “He’s waiting in the car. If you’re ready to talk to him, he’s ready to listen.”